So someone on here chose to renew my account for me. Thanks to whomever that was. They decided not to reveal himself or herself. We'll see how it works out for me. Feel free to say hi. And hello again SG
No one wants to fess up about activating my account. Oh well. I'm still not sure i will be around very long.
Well I'm back to see what happens this time around. How has everyone been?

I am also beginning to dabble in the photography business. Anyone want to give me a shot at shooting them?
i'm glad you do! haa because i obviously have them. thanks for the comment and support on my set!

I think the majority of people on this site have gone mad.
I have a few different profiles on sites that have blogs as one of their features but I chose this site to write my longest and most personal blog ever. I guess I chose the right site because it went ignored.

Oh well. I don't have a nice body. I'm not an SG. I'm not female. It all makes sense.

Hope you are all doing...
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I don't ignore your blogs!
thank you for requesting smile
Warning: This is the longest, most personal blog I have ever written on SG. If you want to read it feel free.

So I don't normally write things like I am about to on a blog. Of course I am not one of the SGs or a hot girl so I know my blog doesn't get read all that much. This is just something that...
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Well the summer is all down here from here. I just got back from a week at the beach in North Carolina. It had a more residential feel as opposed to places like Ocean City or Myrtle beach. It was very enjoyable in that regard. There were some bad parts. It was mid-90s and humid the whole week. It was still a good get away....
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So I haven't really posted much lately. I haven't been inspired. I have been waiting for this week to come though. The things I have been ranting about are baseball and so you think you can dance not having an audience that appreciates the hip hop dances, or at least they don't vote.

But I'm in Bloomington, IN and its my first time in the...
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thanks so much for the comment on my hopefuls set!!! kiss
hope you have fun!

i have heard that indiana is pretty rad wink
So I went to see Funeral for a Friend last night. They were playing with Fightstar, Emanuel, and Alexisonfire. It was a good show overall. Emanuel seemed to just be going through the motions and it was only the 3rd show of the tour. Alexisonfire was real hyped up and they really got the crowd into it. Surprisingly enough the crowd wasn't dominated by 14...
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Love Silverstein's new stuff old stuff... everything... haha
thats awesome that you got to see funeral for a friend... i would love to see them!

thanks for the comment!!!

hope you can see more soon!
Well there is no order to this at all but I just figured I would write.

Ok so I watch SYTYCD and someone needs to write lines for Cat Deely. She said that "things would just get whacker." WHACKER? Are you serious? It was prompted by a judge saying that was whack, but come on!

If you do something that someone things you need help...
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fun things are in store for you this summer! i know it! smile
So another chapter closed on my life with one friend in particular.

I was thinking about that and how interesting our book has been so far.

With that I had tried to start a book about a fictional band that was comprised of characters influenced by those in my life. That book died quickly based on the fact that is was not interesting.

Well then...
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congrats on gettin your shit straight! Sounds like you have a definite plan.
I know I should probably refrain from writing anything on this subject but it is hard to not put my thoughts down somewhere. I am not even that connected to Virginia Tech. My best friend works there in a building that is only a few hundred feet from where the first two were shot. I have been there several times, but I am not that...
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thanx for your comment on my set!
i totally agree!!!