I'm beginning to be concerned about the increasing power of the President in American politics, based on the things I've been learning in my class on the presidency. Basicly, the executive branch has grown waaaaaay beyond the parameters defined by the constitution, starting with Roosevelt in the 30's, though he merely followed a president set by Lincoln in the Civil War. Basically, the constitution limits...
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dude, drivers cause me more and more stress everyday. including the driver which is myself. i hate myself as a driver. my lease runs out in 5 months; i'm seriously considering turning in the car for good....
The difference is..."elected dictatorship" versus "electoral dictatorship". Presently we are experiencing the latter. Prior administrations were determined by hanging chads.
Cartoon network shows too much Courage and not enough PowerPuff Girls.
I'm back at school! Yay!
whoa you're in Carlisle. I know it well. I grew up not to far from there. Do you know...is there a store there called Classic Rags...it burned down a few years ago...and I wondered if they ever rebuilt it.
Thunderstorms are beautiful
thunderstorms are great unfortunatly here in WIsoconsin there hasnt been many of them.
I completely agree...
Haven't talked to you in a while, dude! How are ya? I'm doing pretty well these days. Summer quarter starts Monday, and I think I'm about as ready as I'll ever be. The bathtub is unclogged, and I feel pretty good about that! It's the simple things, lemme tell ya...
Haven't talked to you in a while, dude! How are ya? I'm doing pretty well these days. Summer quarter starts Monday, and I think I'm about as ready as I'll ever be. The bathtub is unclogged, and I feel pretty good about that! It's the simple things, lemme tell ya...
well, i actually had a pretty good day today, for the first time in... well, the first time in long enough that i dont remember when the last time was. But yes, it was good. Finals start tomorrow though. Not that im worried or anything.
afterthought: electrical tape is sexy. Discuss.
afterthought: electrical tape is sexy. Discuss.
whassa matta babeeeee???
I like her for who she is
But she'd rather be someone else
and that, my friend, is Life
But she'd rather be someone else
and that, my friend, is Life
Ain't it the truth, my friend... Ain't it the truth.
God I love a man in a Power Puff Girls t-shirt!!
God I love a man in a Power Puff Girls t-shirt!!
hmm, haven't updated in a while...
I should be writing papers right now. I have to finish one that was due friday, one that was due last thursday, and work on one thats due this thursday.
I'm seriously considering suicide as an alternative to working.
I should be writing papers right now. I have to finish one that was due friday, one that was due last thursday, and work on one thats due this thursday.
I'm seriously considering suicide as an alternative to working.
considering suicide as an alternative to working. sounds nice rite about now. money is good but im sick of bust ass work. oh wait. we are talking abotu different things. ha. nm
yikes. lots of work, huh?
maybe you could make a 3rd alternative, of dancing around your room in your favorite shirt when the stress gets to be too much for you. being silly and senile can help relieve stress sometimes
maybe you could make a 3rd alternative, of dancing around your room in your favorite shirt when the stress gets to be too much for you. being silly and senile can help relieve stress sometimes
I smoked a cigarette under the full moon tonight and for a moment it was good to be alone.
My Bodage Faeires came today
My Bodage Faeires came today
Some fun notes from my American Capitalism class. make of them what you will.
incarceration rates are skyrocketing at a time when violent crime and property crimes are on the decline.
100,000 people die of job-related problems each year, yet those business leaders who knowingly ignore OHSA (occupational health and safety association) standards receive almost no penalties
the punishment for posession of 5 grams of...
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incarceration rates are skyrocketing at a time when violent crime and property crimes are on the decline.
100,000 people die of job-related problems each year, yet those business leaders who knowingly ignore OHSA (occupational health and safety association) standards receive almost no penalties
the punishment for posession of 5 grams of...
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Good news! I found somewhere to buy bondage fairie comic books! ::starts a collection::
bondage fairies RULE. oh god that stuff makes me crazy... pfil!
I've always said this is not my world. I'm not meant to be here. Somewhere a wire was crossed, a mistake was made, and I came into the wrong place at the wrong time. Baha'i's believe that troubles and suffering are tests sent by God to strengthen us, to make us better people. Thats always been a comfort to me. I like tests, I like...
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I'm glad suffering leads to goods things, because I suffer well.