Part 2
As promised, I begin this epic story again; I left off as our hero entered high school. Nervous upon the arrival at his new school, and eager to fit in and begin friendships he was friendly to everyone that seemed to be the type of person he would enjoy the company of. A few seniors and a couple juniors took him under their wing, although later this situation would reveal its true self. At first everything was great, and some were genuinely friendly, although they later turned him into their drug stash, the faculty of this all male boarding high school trusted the freshman for their innocence and did not ever suspect them of possessing drugs. Our hero became the drug stash for a lot of these seniors, coke, pot, pills everything was trusted into his possession. It was blackmail. These seniors were corrupting him, and with the possession of their drugs, he could not do anything but submit to their every desire. They beat him up, humiliated him and ridiculed him in large public settings. They would however, on occasion allow him to join in their drug-induced fun. They from time to time gave him valuable advice, but more often than not treated him as a slave, forcing him to sort through and organize thousands of pornographic videos on their computers, do homework, allow them to cheat off of him in Spanish class, everything you could think of they made him do, outside of anything sexual. On that topic though, they did introduce a rumor into the surrounding all girls schools, divulging knowledge that our hero was in-fact gay. This greatly confused our hero because it seemed to him that no matter where he went, that rumor followed him. His life began to spiral downhill again. Drugs became his escape, the razorblade, his long lost and so he thought forgotten friend reappeared and became ever present. He started to think he actually was gay and began talking with some of his friends at all girls schools about it under their promise of confidentiality. This promise was never kept, and almost everything he said, with the exception of a few things became topic of conversation on his schools campus. Students looked at him differently, faculty started to keep a close eye on him, and some even took him into their office and told him that he could confide in them if need be. He was traumatized and feared for his life. Students threatened him with death and brutal beatings, ruined his possessions, destroyed his homework, and even attempted to take his life, He was poisoned with bleach, altoid mints were replaced with caffeine tablets that had been sanded down to remove the logos and have the rough altoid look, (our hero is allergic to caffeine). He became scared, and began to feel trapped. It was now spring, and he started skateboarding constantly to remove himself from much of the population, until he broke his wrist, This injury put him with nothing to do, which gave everyone the knowledge of his whereabouts at all times. He now felt even more trapped than ever. A diabetic friend had a clean needle laying around, he took it, filled it with air, and put it in his wrist, thinking about ending his life very quickly, at the last second, he decided against it, something in his head clicked, and a misanthropically cynical, snide and vindictive attitude shone through, it was what he needed. This tough interior surrounded by a gentle, calm and very nice exterior became his new persona, anyone from then on who messed with him got a torrent of cynical and snide banter thrown back in their face, people began to leave him alone, gave him space and isolated him from everyone, this is exactly what he needed.
part 3 - the final portion coming soon
everyone has their own mode of survival....
Monthly drinks in the IE!