I have no idea what is going on in my life. It is like everything is falling apart. I am leaving for Atlanta early in the morning, but I will be leaving behind a mess that needs to be picked up. I have lost 2 friends, one much closer, and someone I considered to be more of a sibling than my genetic brother, and someone who I just started talking to but really enjoyed conversations with. I have gained new friends, and been more confused about myself than I have been in a while. Atlanta will not be great, I am going specifically for the doctor and dentist, and the whole time I will be worrying about this mess of an origin that I am not entirely sure of. I have no idea what started this problem, but something did. someone come make me better
More Blogs
Friday Jan 21, 2011
Hey everyone. I am sure that I have no readers but it has been… -
Thursday May 28, 2009
I just want some free time. this is the production at my house to… -
Monday May 25, 2009
Today is the first time I have seen rain in a very long time. It is a… -
Sunday May 24, 2009
So it has been ages since I have been on this. Almost exactly a year.… -
Saturday Jun 21, 2008
This week has been incredible. I have a dream job, well dream interns… -
Monday Mar 10, 2008
So, Hi. I suppose I am writing to no-one because that is exact… -
Monday Dec 10, 2007
TORTURE!!!! So the girl that I am in love with (and have been in… -
Wednesday Nov 21, 2007
Who knows who will read this. I am so stressed right now that the tho… -
Saturday Aug 25, 2007
I would like to think that if I write something new, people will read… -
Monday Jun 25, 2007
Part 2 As promised, I begin this epic story again; I left off as …