Look, actual words being typed in my journal! No, it's not some kind of trick! I thought I'd better type something since my last one was a text free zone. I've just found my box of 35mm negatives spanning back over the last 10 years which I couldn't find for ages. So the film scanner attachment is coming out and I'll see what the results are like, It will be interesting to see what's hidden away in these negatives. If I find anything interesting I'll post them here.
I'll update this as I go along.
edit- my, I'd forgotten how long negative scanning can take. Bzzz- prrunngggggg..lluuaammm as the scanner moves vvveerrryy.......sllowwlllyyyy across the negs.

Ok, it was a suprise to find this one again. I took this photo using a 5X4 camera like this one.

Very weird and time consuming to set up with BIG negatives but with insane amounts of detail that no digital camera can yet reach( IMO) The little gargoyle is carved from wood and has been in our family for many years. I've posted a very high res version of this pic here if you want to check it.

I was pretty elated when I saw this photo in amoungst the negs last night, I thought I'd lost it. Basically, the reason I like it is because it says everything I wanted to say about winter and its spirit and it reminds me a lot of a certain time. This photo was taken at 2 in the morning with time eposure(about 3 minutes on bulb) and it had just began to snow heavily. I was using 400 ASA film which is why it's grainy. The person in the photo is someone who used to live across the road from me. My house can be seen in the background with a light on,
There is a bigger version of this

Birds overhead.

This is my bedroom about 1994 (well looking down at one half of it. the tripod is standing in the other half). Another time exposure. I'm the ghost sitting on the table.

A mounted african locust. This is from a series of shots I took of it years ago.
A bigger high res version can be found here

Detail of its wing.

My cat Tigger.

Night Time exposure over 6 minutes.
A bigger version of this shot can be found

Dark waters.
I think I've got some more to add,I scanned quite a lot last night so these are just a select few. I'll do it at one point. Hope you enjoyed looking at them. Apy.
You must write 20 things about yourself that are fun facts...or something...(This wasn't MY idea...)
LOL...HaHa! Too late! You have been TAGGED! Now you gotta tag 5 more people...AFTER the 20 facts of course...
(see my madpad for more of this stupid game goin around!)