The other night my dad handed me a folder of photo's, most of them being of me as a kid, I think he's been sorting out the family shots into order or something. Anyway, he said he had planned to give me them at one point. It was really weird looking through them, most of them I'd never seen and looking at them brought on a strange feeling, like some part of me that's buried deep. My memories of childhood are very patchy so I was looking at photo's from periods of time I've essentially lost altogther. I think I definitely dream about them but don't recognise the dreams as being lost memory. Maybe it's for a reason.
Anyway I thought I'd put up a few shots at my own expense and for your giggling amusement.
I asked him what on earth was going on in this shot. He said that I had a facination with holes and ditches and would regularly disappear down them when we were out walking leading to much panic as my parents realised I wasn't trailing behind them anymore. Apparently, this is me struggling to get out of a hole I fell down. Possibly around 1981.
It used to snow this heavily in Scotland every winter. It doesn't now what with the planet heating up.
I wish I still had that balaclava. I've no idea what year this was or where it was taken, probably early 80's.
When I saw shot this I was looking at it wide eyed.Total non-recognition of myself hehe. I guess I must be about 2 in it. I look happy about something anyway.
Ok, I think that's enough!
I've been given a little artist bio page on the label "Metanoia" I'm on just now. Feels kind of nice, I much prefer it to be like this, releasing music when I want under no pressure and not being controlled by a money race because I don't make any from this. I'm happy.
The page is here if you want to see it.
Dissolved at Metanoia
If you can, check out the rest of the artists there too, they all deserve your focused attention. : )
Anyway I thought I'd put up a few shots at my own expense and for your giggling amusement.

I asked him what on earth was going on in this shot. He said that I had a facination with holes and ditches and would regularly disappear down them when we were out walking leading to much panic as my parents realised I wasn't trailing behind them anymore. Apparently, this is me struggling to get out of a hole I fell down. Possibly around 1981.

It used to snow this heavily in Scotland every winter. It doesn't now what with the planet heating up.
I wish I still had that balaclava. I've no idea what year this was or where it was taken, probably early 80's.

When I saw shot this I was looking at it wide eyed.Total non-recognition of myself hehe. I guess I must be about 2 in it. I look happy about something anyway.
Ok, I think that's enough!
I've been given a little artist bio page on the label "Metanoia" I'm on just now. Feels kind of nice, I much prefer it to be like this, releasing music when I want under no pressure and not being controlled by a money race because I don't make any from this. I'm happy.
The page is here if you want to see it.
Dissolved at Metanoia
If you can, check out the rest of the artists there too, they all deserve your focused attention. : )
And to think....we were JUST talking about the dreaded reality of the 'Terrible Two's' when talkin bout your kin that were visiting...Synchronicity?
So...I JUST finished watching a burn of "The Corpse Bride"....I, was to be brutally honest, had counted on it being very much like "Nightmare Before..." However, sadly...It was too short, and lacked what "Nightmare" has...But worth a good watch if you have the cash to blow....
Back to these photo's...(Didn't think you were going to get off THAT easily, Did ya?
I am going to cut and paste your head on some kiddy models on the internet...Like "Lil Mr.Texas 2005" or maybe just a Diaper coupon! Oh, The possibilities are freakin endless!
Anyhow...I shall try and keep my radar on for that game of pool with you and ant, compliments of Yahoo Beta IM! )Insert copyright symbol here...
Will talk then...
(The pictures DO have an adorable quality to them...I'll give you that...What happened though?