Hello! Well, I finally made it back to the strange land of Glasgow, where they actually have things like street lamps. people and shops and internet. To be honest I can't say I've missed any of them! I've been away on the windy West Coast of Scotland at a place called Castle Sween where your at the mercy of natures fury. When it rains up there it really means it. I hadn't been up for an extremely long time, the early nineties actually so to get back there was amazing. I basically scampered off on my own adventures, chilled out and got lots of thinking done, climbed over rocks, fell into the sea (yes, I slipped when trying to pick up a crab), counted stranded jellyfish, went on a Basking shark watch and got more photography done than I have in the last 3 years I think. I saw Bats, Hen Harriers, Seals, Deer,strange little fish called Blennies and lots of hermet crabs carrying some very odd looking shell houses around with them. I got about 250 photo's taken I reckon, black and white and colour. I'm still transfering some of them but I thought I'd stick a few up (drastically reduced and compressed I'm afraid to fit in this thing) to let you see. Some I'm quite pleased with and I'll post them properly on my site once they are ready.
Edit- ok, here's a few more pics from my trip.
This is a little beautiful bird called a Goldfinch which we were ringing(my dad is an ornithologist).
View of castle from the beach.
Another view
View of one tower at the castle
Some views of Loch Sween
These are some close up shots of some stone effigies at Kilmory chapel which is near Castle Sween. Its at once a rather spooky but serine place, the quiet is amazing, all you can hear is the sea in the background.
Anyway, I hope everyone is well, I'll try to get around to saying hi and stuff, just getting used to getting back to Civilisation again!
Edit- Oh yeah, had to add this in. Funniest thing I've read in ages. A starwars episode 3 bootleg with some of the best mis-translated subtitles you've ever seen.
It will make sense once you see it.
Edit- ok, here's a few more pics from my trip.
This is a little beautiful bird called a Goldfinch which we were ringing(my dad is an ornithologist).

View of castle from the beach.

Another view

View of one tower at the castle

Some views of Loch Sween

These are some close up shots of some stone effigies at Kilmory chapel which is near Castle Sween. Its at once a rather spooky but serine place, the quiet is amazing, all you can hear is the sea in the background.

Anyway, I hope everyone is well, I'll try to get around to saying hi and stuff, just getting used to getting back to Civilisation again!
Edit- Oh yeah, had to add this in. Funniest thing I've read in ages. A starwars episode 3 bootleg with some of the best mis-translated subtitles you've ever seen.
It will make sense once you see it.

I still havent achieved audio lock and its troubling me.