Well, since I couldn't come up with any good idea's for a journal I thought I'd fill it up with pictures instead.
This is a painting I did while at Castle Toward in 1991, I was very into rusty things and decay and most of my paintings at the time involved setting the canvas on fire to achieve texture. So it's quite mixed media, watercolour, burned soap powder( to give rust effect) and a million layers of acrylic paint. It took weeks to dry!
This is an emormous ammonite which I found in a place called Charmouth in England many years ago. I remember getting my poor dad to help me drag the thing all the way up the beach to the car. I don't know if you get the scale from the photo but the thing is nearly 2 feet across! That's a big ammonite.
Unfotunately as you can see, it's missing a chunk. It wasn't originally. What happened was that it was too big to keep in the house and so we kept in out in the garden. Unfortunately, unknown to us, it had a big natural fault line right through the fossil and during a frosty period, it split into 4 bits! This is what remains.
My E.P got released on Experimedia! There are some brilliant artists on the label and I'm quite chuffed to be out on it. For the artwork, I sent them some photo's I had taken and another artist on there did the text for it. I think it came out pretty well! They wrote a nice description for it too.
The Ep is here
if you want to check it. (If you haven't heard it that is, it's been kicking about for a while now I guess)
Here's a drawing I did of a stick insect, white on black paper.
And here's the original art for that Ep I was going to use but didn't.
And here's a photo I took recently of a pretty little duck called a Mandarin duck. They are like ornamental imported ducks but are becoming a little bit more common now.
Em. And that's all! As you can see, not much excitement has fallen upon me. For my next journal, I'll attempt to have something interesting in store! Sorry.
This is a painting I did while at Castle Toward in 1991, I was very into rusty things and decay and most of my paintings at the time involved setting the canvas on fire to achieve texture. So it's quite mixed media, watercolour, burned soap powder( to give rust effect) and a million layers of acrylic paint. It took weeks to dry!

This is an emormous ammonite which I found in a place called Charmouth in England many years ago. I remember getting my poor dad to help me drag the thing all the way up the beach to the car. I don't know if you get the scale from the photo but the thing is nearly 2 feet across! That's a big ammonite.

My E.P got released on Experimedia! There are some brilliant artists on the label and I'm quite chuffed to be out on it. For the artwork, I sent them some photo's I had taken and another artist on there did the text for it. I think it came out pretty well! They wrote a nice description for it too.
The Ep is here
if you want to check it. (If you haven't heard it that is, it's been kicking about for a while now I guess)
Here's a drawing I did of a stick insect, white on black paper.

And here's the original art for that Ep I was going to use but didn't.

And here's a photo I took recently of a pretty little duck called a Mandarin duck. They are like ornamental imported ducks but are becoming a little bit more common now.

Em. And that's all! As you can see, not much excitement has fallen upon me. For my next journal, I'll attempt to have something interesting in store! Sorry.
I am actually puttering around in here right now as well!
Have you checked out the 23 thread? I have found some good ones!
Oh yeah! I got THE CHURCH, and I was shocked to see that it was known as Demons 3!! I have been tryin to get ahold of this one for awhile, I had heard about it...but never got around to it...I think my Argento collection is like almost complete now...(I am SO mad about The whole DANGER DIABOLIK from Bava tho!) I got a few good ones that you may be into, and I would love to chat soon...Lotsa Film stuff, and you know...the usual...Hey! Did you know that they have voice messaging with the newest version of Yahoo? Like why the HELL am I paying for 2 friggin cell phones, when...Yahoo is free?? We should take advantage of that next time we chat.
Oh yeah, I meant to tell you...theres an extra unexpected L'Il surprise for you and ant( and Hels) , you will know what it is when you get it...I hope you don't mind that I sent his care pack with yours...and leavin it up to you to send it to him...( I know you are much too cool not to...) You should have it within 10 days, I checked...Then you shall have a Hoodie to bury your head in, rather than Sand!!
Anyhow...Havent spotted any 23's huh? I have found a doozy of em! I hope you are doin awesome, and I am countin the days until I am on a flight accross the Atlantic...(Yeah, yeah...I could go on forever...I know)
ANYHOW...Have a grand day, and hope all is well!!
(Can you believe I got that piercing through??)
A smear of slimy smooches...
I forgot to say about the mp3 because first I forgot about the link then i went back and its really cool not silly. I wish you would be in a death metal band with me! Hope you are well and have founhd some awsome new fossils!