I wonder if I'll be alive long enough to see the invention of a time controlling remote control. I'd really like to put the last 2 weeks on pause but still be able to continue to function normally while it was paused to fit everything in! Finished my uber college project only to be hit with another one on Monday of a similar size.
But anyway, I have managed to somehow not sacrifice myself to the work yet and found time to do some new music.
I got wind of an interesting project where the idea was to create a whole EP in just one week. That's right up my street as I tend to work very fast anyway. So I did an Ep called "Rumours about tides", 5 tracks and some art for it.
There was a suprising amount of artists that entered, some really nice stuff all round. The main site is here
I'm the artist "Dissolved" from the selector on the left, in case you didn't know.
The tracks are all available directly from this site too in case you don't fancy navigating but I recommend the first link because it's a good site to check out. Anyway hope you enjoy the music if you listen

I got wind of an interesting project where the idea was to create a whole EP in just one week. That's right up my street as I tend to work very fast anyway. So I did an Ep called "Rumours about tides", 5 tracks and some art for it.
There was a suprising amount of artists that entered, some really nice stuff all round. The main site is here
I'm the artist "Dissolved" from the selector on the left, in case you didn't know.
The tracks are all available directly from this site too in case you don't fancy navigating but I recommend the first link because it's a good site to check out. Anyway hope you enjoy the music if you listen

Wow...went and Checked out what The Line-Up to DEAD BY DAWN was in The above Journal...Too bad she only thinks good ol Ken Foree was in Dawn of...I actually REALLY liked him in FROM BEYOND, and Yes, Even THE DENTIST...But does THAT count? LOL!
I am SO very glad to say I know you!
I have been terribly absent as of late...well, I suppose because I am terribly absent..lol. I DID however manage to buy (FINALLY!) an UBER nice and very old Barbers strightblade...I shall have to show it to you next time we talk..
(I am down with a very odd Flu...It doesn't like me very much!) But, It makes things work seeing as I can watch ALL these flicks I am getting...a good excuse for just being alone with the abstract and abominable I suppose.
I am SO very Happy to see that you are doin well.I went and spent a very 'nice' chunk of $$$ on 25 Fuji Blank DVDs...I shall see how that goes...(But I still wouldnt mind a lesson or two more if you find yourself playing with a rubber band...and it just isn't giving any back!! SELFISH Rubber Bands! Where DO they get off!??)
Anyhow...Slimy Smear of Smooches...