Everything is going at 100 miles an hour, my head is swimming, I think I'm about to fall off the edge. But I'm happy! These things are happening all at once, I'm not quite sure what's going on but I'm closing my eyes and following the stream. I met this girl, who is wonderful, were going to give it a shot. I had an email from a new label wanting to put my new EP out, I've had great comments about it from the most unexpected people! I finished my college stuff and now I'm off for 2 weeks, which means making tunes and resident evil 4, running about to finish a film ( in my camera hehe) . A guy has found this brand new fossil fish, new to science in a burn/ stream exposure about half an hour from my house, the papers haven't disclosed where exactly but I know roughly where to look. He may be getting the fish named after him. It's 300 million years old, with armour plating and still had it's last meal in it's stomach. That's one of my life ambitions. To find a new fossil species, to be the first one to lay eyes on it for 300 million years. That feeling is unreproducable. It's kind of like falling off a cliff in love but in a different kind of way.
So it's a hazy line I'm stumbling along just now but I think there's going to be adventure.
So it's a hazy line I'm stumbling along just now but I think there's going to be adventure.
LOL! I think I almost Got it!!!
Did You go STRAIGHT to Bed??? I hope so! Cause we gabbed For HOURS!! (and again, it was most enjoyable finally being able to put a voice to a face to a person to a brain, and so on, and so on...
Seriously...ALL iwanted to do was have A scottish 'Burr' after talkin to ya...MY we talked for quite awhile...I thouroughly enjoyed it tho...I always Love it when, no matter how Late/early or long the conversation goes...The content and Company is just so cool that you have to try and end it like 20 times before it actually STARTS to get around to ending it?? and thats another hour or so...lol!
I wish I would have read this earlier!!! I would have drilled you for questions on this gal!! Is it true?? Have you finally decided to give that whole thing a go...Or is it, as annalee says...April Fools??
(hey...Psst...Everyone...Apy is A Fibber!! See,,,When he first showed me his Mako shark wounds...
I thought "GOODNESSGRACIOUMEOHMY!! Thats AWFUL!!, but in fact?? He cannot even swim!! IT'S TRUE!! He Fibs!! FIBBER!!!
Sorry apy...I had to...I warned ya!!
So really...Is ALL that good stuff going on? and if so...WTF? RESIDENT EVIL IV?!!?
C'mon....Don't be Fibbin' now...
(or NO Miskatonic U, Hoodie for You!)
[Edited on Apr 04, 2005 3:21PM]
See...I thought it was the game...But I HAVE found out that , Yes...You can be a 'wee' ..um...How shall I say? 'Eccentric' and COMPLETEly Outrageous with some of your strange (But superb...) 'ideas'...so I honestly knew you were not 'fibbin', I guess the idea was put in there by the suggestion of it...I am SO happy! You were so jaded about that horrid 'Love' thang...I hope it goes....(Tell her you used to work at Miskatonic U!!! )
Yeah...I must admit, the Video games ARE indeed pretty Spectacular...I got sucked into watchin one of my crew/buds get sucked into it...I still play pinball.
Your Life is absolutely wonderful then...THERE!!! lol!
Slimy Smooches!