Have you ever had a dream that is pretty much an exact recreation of something that happened to you in real life a long time ago? I've only had one of them before but I had another one recently. I spent a lot of my childhood in the west coast of scotland, scenic and pretty as it is and used to go hillwalking with my dad a lot. I can vividly remember going on one these walks and we seemingly were walking for ever but eventually we reached the top of this hill and it flattened out onto a plane. I saw a kind of pond in the middle of the plane and walked over to it. It's this part that sticks in my mind( and also what was recreated in the dream). It wasn't so much a pond as a natural stagnant lake filled with rain water. It was only about 3-4 feet deep. It was really large and circular. I was standing at the edge of it and suddenly found myself getting really nervous. It was perfectly still and clear and had a black peat bottom. A sheeps skull was lying under the water and the whole thing was just so eerie. I just had to back off altogther and wouldn't go near the thing again. Anyway that's all the dream was, the memory of the day I went to this place. Still makes me a bit cold thinking about it.
Well, I couldn't think of anything else to put in my journal! College, part time work and drinking do not an interesting journal make, Fucking Yoda, he infiltrates your mind just when you least expect it!
Oh yeah, I was going to say. I'm thinking of keeping either one of the following.
A nice exoticly coloured reptile,possibly like a blue taled skink. But only when I get the funds.
A fresh water natural pond life aquarium set up.The benefit being that they don't require much maintenance. The problem being I'd have to catch all the inhabitants my self! I once did keep an aquarium of this sort when I was younger. It had a nice stickleback, some snails and some tadpoles. It was all going quite well I thought until one morning I found the stickleback looking kind of drained and white and er, dead. With a horse leech hanging off it. I must have picked up a leech larvae with the rest of the catch. So I had to get rid of it before it ate everything else. I think I'll probably go down the reptile road this time. : )
Well, I couldn't think of anything else to put in my journal! College, part time work and drinking do not an interesting journal make, Fucking Yoda, he infiltrates your mind just when you least expect it!
Oh yeah, I was going to say. I'm thinking of keeping either one of the following.
A nice exoticly coloured reptile,possibly like a blue taled skink. But only when I get the funds.

A fresh water natural pond life aquarium set up.The benefit being that they don't require much maintenance. The problem being I'd have to catch all the inhabitants my self! I once did keep an aquarium of this sort when I was younger. It had a nice stickleback, some snails and some tadpoles. It was all going quite well I thought until one morning I found the stickleback looking kind of drained and white and er, dead. With a horse leech hanging off it. I must have picked up a leech larvae with the rest of the catch. So I had to get rid of it before it ate everything else. I think I'll probably go down the reptile road this time. : )
So there you go!