Here's a photo I took from a few years back.
There are about 11 seperate exposures in there.Taken with 200 ASA film about 3 in the morning.Exposure time-around 15 minutes on Bulb.And included are :An old chair(obviously)-A doll(In about 3 different poses)-a candle-A clock-a rams skull-myself-and a small mirror.
I was going through a pile of photo's recently and dug some out.And then I felt quite inspired to do some more time lapse and ran out and bought some film.Then I found out I'd lost my Shutter release cable.Bah.
Em. And that's all.
What a spectacular entry!!
There are about 11 seperate exposures in there.Taken with 200 ASA film about 3 in the morning.Exposure time-around 15 minutes on Bulb.And included are :An old chair(obviously)-A doll(In about 3 different poses)-a candle-A clock-a rams skull-myself-and a small mirror.
I was going through a pile of photo's recently and dug some out.And then I felt quite inspired to do some more time lapse and ran out and bought some film.Then I found out I'd lost my Shutter release cable.Bah.
Em. And that's all.
What a spectacular entry!!
Anyhoo, cheers for the add mate
I want some (But not The Decade Old, Sofa Foam Filled ones I have eaten Bugs...But Sofa Filling?? THATS where I draw The Line)
Anyways...I just wanted to Thank You for your rousing support to what seems to be a Lull...I Blame X-Mas of course, Because whilst the capitalistic Buffy's and Lance's were moaning about how they paid more for a gift than the One the received in return, is catching up with them Now that The Credit card Bills are rolling in....It Only reminds these consumers, and with everything...They Bitch, We suffer, And EVERYONE is acting like they have a cunting Pickle up thier ass...(or lack of thereof...whatever rubs their Bhudda)
Again, Thanks for The Attempt...It might actually work coming from you...
anyways, Your A Doll...Thanks.