Damn it,I'm having Shipwreck dreams again.And they are really scaring me.Basically the dreams consist of me being in really deep water near the hull but all the water around me is dark green but I'm like a tiny dot compared to the size of the ship.I can't see the bottom or the top of the sea and I can't see what's coming left or right through the water at me.I know it sounds ridiculous but the actual feeling is horrible.
I've always been scared of deep water but I don't know if these dreams mean anything else.I should get one of those stupid "Dream interpretation" books I guess and see if it mentions anything hehe.
Have a good new year If I don't speak to you before then.

happy new year, sir.
HELL-O Apy!!
Well...I Think I can help You On The Dreaming...But...I Usually Do Not Discuss The Matters Of Divination Here...I Shall Look Into It and Let you Know...Cause You are A Diver...So It Could mean something Utterly different than the usual, as you are Not Neutral here...
But Aren't Shipwrecks On The Bottom Of The Earth...Underneath The Element of water just Overwhelming? Geez...That Pic You Posted Is Fantastic...I Have ALWAYS wanted to Scuba...I can Snorkle and Swim Like A Fish...But Scuba Diving?
Nope...My Body wasn't built Properly...No Scuba for Me.
ANYWAYS...(GAWD!! I DO Go On...)I Am SO Very happy That I Have Met You, and Even Happier To Have such an Incredible, Intellectually Gifted In ALL The Right Areas, I might add, As A Fellow Fiend In This Rotting Rock...(Our Ancestors have REALLY Fucked Things Up, Huh?)
Anyhows...I DO Hope You Have As Good As An Agenda That I Have For This Incoming Year...(Of COURSE Its ALL About The Horror, Mind you...)