Things are currently making about as much sense to me as this medical owl I drew.Btw, the "medical owl" is not a recognised species or anything,it's just that my mind won't shut up at this point.
Oh and some little hacker freak is currently having lots of fun with my credit card too just now.The card is now stopped but I
seriously would like to feed him some decomposing milk products until he broke.In half.
Is that possible?
Oh and some little hacker freak is currently having lots of fun with my credit card too just now.The card is now stopped but I
seriously would like to feed him some decomposing milk products until he broke.In half.
Is that possible?
Greetings & Gore apydiagirls,
You see...Its ALL Technology...It serves us when WE need it, Albeit, It ALSO serves Cunting Thieves As Well, Unfortunately...If I had just ONE single hour...60 minutes...timed, and a pair of Needle Nose Pliars? OH! What Fun...I have lost many a film to thieves...No honor I suppose, I gave up on Humanity LONG ago...However, It STILL Sucks Eggs that you had to deal with it...
Anyhow...I am usually alot more 'Present', but working on my show with a wounded computer...IMPOSSIBLE! You know...You are Giving me A Good Run for My Money...haha, I break out Laughing reading your ...'Enthusiasm' in The Apothecary, But I also Find your knowledge of Film to be Fan-FUCKIN-Tastic...Anyhow...I DO Hope you will tell me what your alias means...I can honestly say, I am not acquainted with that term (Really...I am NOT retarded)
That Piece, The Owl....Brilliant! However...I am curious what you used...If I didn't know any better...I would say it almost looks like An EXTREMELY well done Fix solution dropped onto film...But then again...I stick Pins in My eyes...(Perhaps I AM a bit Retarded...) Anyhow...Cheers, and I hope you guys like our rendition of "I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE" (NOW that I have Experts in the group..DAMN!!! The Jigs Up!)
thanks man.
am out of emo mode now. feel like a dumbass.
back to work...
speak soon...