Have you ever had a dream that you knew while you were having it,that it was a follow up to a previous dream from ages before?This is difficult for me to explain but I'l do my best but probably not in a lot of detail because I've forgotten a fair bit of it since I woke up this morning.It always happens damn it.Anyway,I was in some kind of school or maybe a lab and someone handed me a folder full of photographs and slides that had not been mounted.I can clearly remember looking at them in disbelief and also in sadness.This is where it gets difficult.In the dream the slides were all pictures from an event that had happened years before.But only in the dream I had actually had years before.That's why I knew the dream was a follow up.Still with me?I'd do a much better job of actually telling it to someone face to face as explaination would be easier.Anyway,the slides were all animated when I was looking at them,either that or it was the dreams way of interpreting the memories I was having in the dream,like a flashback and that's why the photo's were moving.I was in them along with some friends I don't see anymore and some people I didn't know.We were in some kind of open grassland enviroment and I knew that something distressing was happening,like we were all trying to escape.(I don't know what from or why)I could see myself in the slide trying to calm down a friend,she was convinced we weren't getting out.I also saw a girl sitting on a chair that I knew I was either going to see sometime in the future or it was someone I had met before and who was somehow important.I don't know,it's getting hazier by the minute.In the dream I could feel a massive sadness coming over me as I was looking at these pictures and I was trying to figure out who had taken them and why they had turned up in this school place.It was all so real that when I woke up,I was almost convinced that the event in the photo's had actually taken place.I just lay there for about 10 mins trying to take in what had happened.I don't know why this affected me so much but I felt I had to write about it today.I haven't had such an emotionally powerful dream like that since I was much younger and certainly not one as weirdly complex,how can you know you had a dream about something in a dream?Maybe it's just normal and I'm totally behind on this stuff.Sorry for the long and boring journal entry.
I was in glasgow a couple of years back and stayed at some place called mal maison (sp) is it still around? (My first hotel/bar closed a week before I got there and never let me know that my reservation wasn't going to do me any good.)