Hello! Yes, I haven't in fact updated since July. What can I say, I've been rather preoccupied with life and events and trying to swish away mist from the cloudy path in front of me. I've mostly been attempting to try and find out what I really want to do work wise and also taking time to work with my photography and music properly. I've been a busy boy with Dissolved the last few months.
After years of free releases on the net, it was suggested to me that I take a deep breath and actually release something for listeners to buy! This being a new concept for me, utterly confused me and I had to stumble about asking folk who sell their music what you were meant to do?
"Is 1.50 ok to ask for a cd?" "I just want to give them to my friends if they want one, how am I supposed to say, 'hey it's for sale!'
Hehe. Anyway, after a few realisations, I did in fact take the plunge and have self released my album "Macrocyclic Blues", which being cautious for my first self release, is a very limited edition of 77 copies. I'm excited to say I've sold around half of them already, its only been available for around 2 and a half weeks now, If I could actually sell it out I wouldn't believe it. The number 77 appeals to me. So it's made me about 1% more confident about going ahead with this.
I've entirely updated my webpage and all my previous Dissolved releases can be downloaded for free(bar the new album) at the audio section.
"Macrocyclic blues" is my follow up to "the silica sleep coils" album, it's much darker and overall more varied but also more cohesive I've been told by some people.

I've hand made each and every copy of this CD, including putting in the staples into the booklets by hand, because I innocently thought I could buy a cheap long arm stapler on the net until I saw the prices.
So, yes, I have punctured my fingers over and over, to make these. Rock and roll.
Numbers 39 to 77 are still available if anyone is interested.
There are clips from all the tracks on the album at the page and you can grab it with paypal.
Macrocyclic Blues
There is a small review of sorts of the album here.
Macrocyclic blues review
There are also 2 full tracks from it on my Myspace page
Anyway, so there you go, I really want to try and make a go of this, damn I've been doing it long enough. I guess you just have to try. Still all a bit confusing though. Eek.
I was interviewed recently,to my surprise, well more a questionnaire type thing, very interesting concept based on questions from the questionnaire of marcel proust", created by antoinette faure around 1890.
It's interesting to see how the same questions come across to modern people. A good variety of artists were asked this, including Mogwai and Scanner.
You can read it here Dissolved questionnaire
Moth season is well underway, I'm getting my night light attract box out shortly to see what flying visitors come to my window. Hopefully get some interesting species arriving to photograph. : )
Talking of photo's. just a few recent shots I've taken. These were at the Glasgow Necropolis and one I took recently of a mum sparrow still feeding some very suspicious looking babies,months after they are meant to still be reared by the parents. I think they just can't be bothered growing up hehe. The last one is me in Canada this year, taken by my GF with a guitar that isn't mine but wish it was. Ok, hope your all well, love and trilobites. Paul.

After years of free releases on the net, it was suggested to me that I take a deep breath and actually release something for listeners to buy! This being a new concept for me, utterly confused me and I had to stumble about asking folk who sell their music what you were meant to do?
"Is 1.50 ok to ask for a cd?" "I just want to give them to my friends if they want one, how am I supposed to say, 'hey it's for sale!'
Hehe. Anyway, after a few realisations, I did in fact take the plunge and have self released my album "Macrocyclic Blues", which being cautious for my first self release, is a very limited edition of 77 copies. I'm excited to say I've sold around half of them already, its only been available for around 2 and a half weeks now, If I could actually sell it out I wouldn't believe it. The number 77 appeals to me. So it's made me about 1% more confident about going ahead with this.
I've entirely updated my webpage and all my previous Dissolved releases can be downloaded for free(bar the new album) at the audio section.
"Macrocyclic blues" is my follow up to "the silica sleep coils" album, it's much darker and overall more varied but also more cohesive I've been told by some people.

I've hand made each and every copy of this CD, including putting in the staples into the booklets by hand, because I innocently thought I could buy a cheap long arm stapler on the net until I saw the prices.

So, yes, I have punctured my fingers over and over, to make these. Rock and roll.
Numbers 39 to 77 are still available if anyone is interested.
There are clips from all the tracks on the album at the page and you can grab it with paypal.
Macrocyclic Blues
There is a small review of sorts of the album here.
Macrocyclic blues review
There are also 2 full tracks from it on my Myspace page
Anyway, so there you go, I really want to try and make a go of this, damn I've been doing it long enough. I guess you just have to try. Still all a bit confusing though. Eek.
I was interviewed recently,to my surprise, well more a questionnaire type thing, very interesting concept based on questions from the questionnaire of marcel proust", created by antoinette faure around 1890.
It's interesting to see how the same questions come across to modern people. A good variety of artists were asked this, including Mogwai and Scanner.
You can read it here Dissolved questionnaire
Moth season is well underway, I'm getting my night light attract box out shortly to see what flying visitors come to my window. Hopefully get some interesting species arriving to photograph. : )
Talking of photo's. just a few recent shots I've taken. These were at the Glasgow Necropolis and one I took recently of a mum sparrow still feeding some very suspicious looking babies,months after they are meant to still be reared by the parents. I think they just can't be bothered growing up hehe. The last one is me in Canada this year, taken by my GF with a guitar that isn't mine but wish it was. Ok, hope your all well, love and trilobites. Paul.

So are you the person she's mentioning moving to Vancouver?
Hola man, long time no hear. How're things going?