Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain.
Here I go with some kind of picture book story,
told in a ridiculous fashion, it may or may not get gory,
and may or may not cause some kind of reaction.
It's a simple tale involving myself, the outdoors,
and due to the fact that it takes place outdoors,
there is a severe lack of actual doors.
There are however some trees, some bees and with
plenty of space left over for bruised and scraped knees.
For it's a boy's adventure tale, not set in the future or the past,
actually, that's a lie, because it was just a few days ago and in it I just take photographs,
and don't fight any scary hordes of things or climb any fancy masts.
Through the park I walked, sun beating down,
while the main thought in my head was
"thank fuck I'm not in town".
I climbed up some steps and clambered over many rocks,
when to my surprise, I stumbled across this sleeping fox.

Well, she was asleep until I arrived,
which kind of ruined the illusion that I was able to maintain any kind of disguise,
for she was a fox, and probably smelled me coming a mile off,
for her sense of smell must attain that of a shark,
and even though I'd cloaked my self in tree bark,
she still awoke and stared me out, I didn't dare shout or breathe,
in fact, I simply didn't want to leave.
She showed all the skills of the sly creature she is, not showing fear or hostility,
maybe trying to suss out my mobile ability.
I think when she realised she was much faster than me,
and that I couldn't reach her because of the broken tree's,
she settled down and gave me the all clear,
not that I'd attempt a chase like that in any case,
I was just so happy that she was near,
for in that moment, I just felt calm, a sense of still,
and thinking of all the bad days I'm trapped in a box,
here I am, photographing a fox.
She got up and left, probably to find another place to sunbathe,
I said my goodbye's and wished her safe,
she took a sharp left and disappeared from my sight.
Further on I walked, towards a small body of water,
where I knew I'd find less kids running around, and generally causing bother.
I heard a sound and looked up towards a tree, and saw exactly what I was hoping to see.
A Heron sat, quiet as a bird can sit.
The sky was blue, woodcutters in the distance, I can't give you a proper sense of it.

Away from me he faced, overlooking his pond, for whatever took his fancy.
I sat for an hour, hoping he'd decide to turn round. I tried to do so without making a sound.
Eventually he did, and I slowly crouched on the ground.

The clouds came in, I didn't mind,

I felt such a lucky boy that day, to have such finds.
I went up some more steps.

I walked further along, I could hear the slow drone of water,
I slowed my pace, I was coming up to the river.
I reached it and looked down, things slowed down, my head cleared,
no one was around, the river did what the river wanted.

I heard it before I saw it. The impossible bird. The flash of metallic blue.
The high pitch chirps, the accuracy of an expert fisher.
My whole life, I imagined, having him in frame, frozen in a second, seeing scientific photo's, and having mine look the same.
In the end, it didn't quite turn out like that, I was far away, he was across the river, as always making me the eager wisher. There he sat, carefully poised as ever, our most stunning British bird, the kingfisher.

It's not the best shot but I shouldn't be disappointed,
I came away with something I'll always remember, my first shot of a kingfisher,
I felt I'd been anointed.
Further on in the day, an abandoned, burned out car,
nature takes it's course, life courses through its rust,
man made structures, always feel like a willing host.

I'll end this now, unless I feel the need,
to grind up politicians, and use them as plant feed.
As you can clearly tell, and it was always going to be the way,
this boy's adventure tale, has clearly gone astray,
But what the hell, and who's to say, that
it always has to be a certain way.
Embrace decay and you will learn,
to be afraid of gigantic ferns.
This really has gone out of my control,
what a shame, it looked like I was on a roll...
Here I go with some kind of picture book story,
told in a ridiculous fashion, it may or may not get gory,
and may or may not cause some kind of reaction.
It's a simple tale involving myself, the outdoors,
and due to the fact that it takes place outdoors,
there is a severe lack of actual doors.
There are however some trees, some bees and with
plenty of space left over for bruised and scraped knees.
For it's a boy's adventure tale, not set in the future or the past,
actually, that's a lie, because it was just a few days ago and in it I just take photographs,
and don't fight any scary hordes of things or climb any fancy masts.
Through the park I walked, sun beating down,
while the main thought in my head was
"thank fuck I'm not in town".
I climbed up some steps and clambered over many rocks,
when to my surprise, I stumbled across this sleeping fox.

Well, she was asleep until I arrived,
which kind of ruined the illusion that I was able to maintain any kind of disguise,
for she was a fox, and probably smelled me coming a mile off,
for her sense of smell must attain that of a shark,
and even though I'd cloaked my self in tree bark,
she still awoke and stared me out, I didn't dare shout or breathe,
in fact, I simply didn't want to leave.
She showed all the skills of the sly creature she is, not showing fear or hostility,
maybe trying to suss out my mobile ability.
I think when she realised she was much faster than me,
and that I couldn't reach her because of the broken tree's,
she settled down and gave me the all clear,
not that I'd attempt a chase like that in any case,
I was just so happy that she was near,
for in that moment, I just felt calm, a sense of still,
and thinking of all the bad days I'm trapped in a box,
here I am, photographing a fox.
She got up and left, probably to find another place to sunbathe,
I said my goodbye's and wished her safe,
she took a sharp left and disappeared from my sight.
Further on I walked, towards a small body of water,
where I knew I'd find less kids running around, and generally causing bother.
I heard a sound and looked up towards a tree, and saw exactly what I was hoping to see.
A Heron sat, quiet as a bird can sit.
The sky was blue, woodcutters in the distance, I can't give you a proper sense of it.

Away from me he faced, overlooking his pond, for whatever took his fancy.
I sat for an hour, hoping he'd decide to turn round. I tried to do so without making a sound.
Eventually he did, and I slowly crouched on the ground.

The clouds came in, I didn't mind,

I felt such a lucky boy that day, to have such finds.
I went up some more steps.

I walked further along, I could hear the slow drone of water,
I slowed my pace, I was coming up to the river.
I reached it and looked down, things slowed down, my head cleared,
no one was around, the river did what the river wanted.

I heard it before I saw it. The impossible bird. The flash of metallic blue.
The high pitch chirps, the accuracy of an expert fisher.
My whole life, I imagined, having him in frame, frozen in a second, seeing scientific photo's, and having mine look the same.
In the end, it didn't quite turn out like that, I was far away, he was across the river, as always making me the eager wisher. There he sat, carefully poised as ever, our most stunning British bird, the kingfisher.

It's not the best shot but I shouldn't be disappointed,
I came away with something I'll always remember, my first shot of a kingfisher,
I felt I'd been anointed.
Further on in the day, an abandoned, burned out car,
nature takes it's course, life courses through its rust,
man made structures, always feel like a willing host.

I'll end this now, unless I feel the need,
to grind up politicians, and use them as plant feed.
As you can clearly tell, and it was always going to be the way,
this boy's adventure tale, has clearly gone astray,
But what the hell, and who's to say, that
it always has to be a certain way.
Embrace decay and you will learn,
to be afraid of gigantic ferns.
This really has gone out of my control,
what a shame, it looked like I was on a roll...

I hate to say the a word, but those pics are awesome.
ta for your nice words.
it seems new film things are afoot... (writing 3 horror features right now, which is turning my brain into linguini...). will speak soon!
p.s. dunno if you've seen it, but I made a daft little movie about my japan trip. *right-click dl*
What a fucking brilliant li'il ditty! (and under the conditions?? LOL! You ARE a fucking genius! lol)
(See? I DID comment tho!
Again? The pics look just absofuckinglutely sparkly hon...You're 'special'
Slimy, SLIPPERY, smooches...(Hah! Theres a new one!)