I got tired of that edit button. : ) Which means a new blog. T's been a strange last few months for sure. Sleep patterns have been a big focus for me and i'm happy to say I've not suffered any more seizures since the one a few months back. I was told it was epilepsy last year but so many things about the way it works tell me something different. The things I've read about sufferers who have gran mal seizures, seem to indicate that it happens regularly and at random times and usually stem from childhood. All mine have been nocturnal ones, have all involved intense feelings of de ja vu,dreaming and weirdness in my sleep that I can't accurately describe and I didn't start having them until 2006. The one this year makes three in total ever and they have all been really far apart too. Stress and alchohol and computer screens have been mentioned but I've just put it down to my synapses having secret parties when I've gone to sleep land. Oh well.
Some photo's I've taken recently.
I'm annoyed we didn't get snow this year, has to be the first year in a long time we didn't get any in Glasgow.
Some people are still in denial about global warming too.
I have completed a special edition DVD set of the film Creepshow, a horror film I'm quite passionate about to say the least. Fed up of waiting for a commercial special edition to come from Warner brothers, I made one myself .It was actually initially completed a few years back, those who know me will know that version of the set but this is updated and spruced up and is now a 5 Disc set. : ) I'm selling it for 8 to those who are interested. Contact me at apydiagirls@yahoo.co.uk for details. Here's some pictures of the set.
There you go. I'm really looking forward to playing this gig on Saturday the 17th next week. I've just realised it is on St. patricks day so it should be busy in the 13th note to say the least. : ) Come along if you will, I'll buy you a drink and give a hug. x Over and out. Apy.
Some photo's I've taken recently.
I'm annoyed we didn't get snow this year, has to be the first year in a long time we didn't get any in Glasgow.
Some people are still in denial about global warming too.
I have completed a special edition DVD set of the film Creepshow, a horror film I'm quite passionate about to say the least. Fed up of waiting for a commercial special edition to come from Warner brothers, I made one myself .It was actually initially completed a few years back, those who know me will know that version of the set but this is updated and spruced up and is now a 5 Disc set. : ) I'm selling it for 8 to those who are interested. Contact me at apydiagirls@yahoo.co.uk for details. Here's some pictures of the set.
There you go. I'm really looking forward to playing this gig on Saturday the 17th next week. I've just realised it is on St. patricks day so it should be busy in the 13th note to say the least. : ) Come along if you will, I'll buy you a drink and give a hug. x Over and out. Apy.
I'm currently favouring nadgers, scrunt, wiener, frak, and bollock (note the singular use of the word, more effective I feel).
when oh when will we achieve picture lock?