My new Ep "Pyritized Ray Stories" has been released on the Retropublik label. It's available for download here
Its been a dark and wet January so far so these are the only stories I offer up this month.
Happy reading, or indeed listening. Paul.
I'll probably add bits and pieces to this journal randomly, could be fun.
I'm extremely excited by this news today. Japanese Scientists have caught and filmed a Frilled Shark, which is a prehistoric survivor, and which has never been filmed before.
Unfortunately it died naturally. It normally lives at 600 meters or lower which is why it's never seen. Great video here. Aren't you a funny looking Shark.

Edit x2.
Just found this photo the other day of my wee cat Tigger, R.I.P, sleeping on my legs. I miss him so much right now.

Edit- 4th Febuary.
I took this picture today.I lured this Blackbird in with the promise of some tasty birdseed. She went for it.

Edit- 7th February. If your someone with exciting notions of jumping about, spinning around, having exciting conversations about fun, enjoy authentically gronky sonic establishments with an air of pleasing old shoolness and you also happen to be in Glasgow on the 17th March, I'm playing at this gig here in the 13th note with some excellent scottish outfits including the brilliant Blacksun, who will rinse you out. Come along and say hello and I'll attempt to buy you a drink, which will probably be cider, even if it was another drink that was requested.Free cd's and stuff, and people, will also be floating around too! x

Edit- 11th Febuary.
Well, I didn't expect this to happen, but finally, after about 4 years in the making, the first Apydiagirls Ep is now available. This will be confusing in general for anyone who has listened to Dissolved for any amount of time so I should explain. Apydiagirls is the glitchy messy and corroded sister of Dissolved, who has quietly exuded corrupted beats and bitcrunched rhythms for quite a few years now. Anyway. "Popular Ghosts" is the result and is available for download from here.
Popular Ghosts
I don't expect MTV or any pre packaged safe channels will be getting excited about this anytime soon, but it's there for the folk who want to dive deep. Hope you have fun, love, Apy.

1.Throw a Treecreeper. 2. Velsensh. 3. Optiarm. 4. Chnlenifhol. 5. Sleepingnleck.
Edit- 23rd Febuary.
Here is a photo I took of my dried Seahorse this evening. He is sitting on a slab of carboniferous shale which contains hundreds of fossil fish scales and spines. I found the little slab in a quarry in Blairskaith years ago.

Moon Song by My Bloody Valentine must be the equivalent of dark angels appearing at your window, pouring shimmering happiness resin over your body and then telling you quietly that your worries have just evaporated into the night air and have been transformed into snow and then handing you a bag which contains everthing you lost in your lifetime.
(Aw yeah, That IS the seahorse I sent ya!! You ARE a sly one...The cat groovin here reminded me of Tigger...Stay Zombiefried luv!)