I had the last week of September off work and for once it didn't fly through. antenna came up to visit and suggested we go on a bit of urban exploration while he was here. The main target was abandoned infectious disease house Ruchill Hospital. It was easy enough to find, actually getting into the premises was a whole other matter. Pictures do exist on the net of the insides of the place, obviously at one time it was possible to get in fairly easily and we certainly saw a lot of old graffiti that proved this.
Now however, the place is harder to get into than playing a priest some Merzbow. Entirely boarded up, surrounded by high walls and fence and with almost every old entry place now secured. We had to walk almost the entire perimeter of the place, and it's not just a small hospital, it's more like a village. This is the outer grounds before we got inside and some other views.

I had a few problems with taking photo's to begin with actually. It was a bit weird. When we first got to the waste ground where we could actually see the hospital in full view, every photo I tried to take was completely ruined. No matter what settings I used, it was the same. I knew for a fact even the manual settings I was using should have given normal results. However, I was getting shots like this.

@^+ was joking that something didn't want me taking shots there. Then my batteries died. I don't really know what to think about stuff like that. The place certainly had an amazing atmosphere. The camera started working ok later. This is the surrounding area of ruchhill.

We were about to leave and give up actually getting in but at the last minute found a gap in a fence. We managed to get into the grounds that way. After that it was into stealth mode. I've never felt so on edge in a place, since all the signs up warned of arrest if caught trespassing.

We had to be pretty careful. These shots are mostly inside the grounds. That's ant checking to see if the coast was clear.

Anyway, there were workmen in there the whole time with large diggers. We were pretty close to getting caught and aren't sure if they saw us or not but we got out of there pretty sharpish. Every building we could see was totally inacessable. The tower was intriguing but I guess we'll never find out what was inside.
Later we managed to get stranded in a few places on the south side of glasgow while trying to meet a friend. Instead we ended up at a park with some swans.

We also came across the strangest billboard. It didn't appear to be advertising anything we could see and simply had this message to display.

Another day ended.

Apy. xx
Now however, the place is harder to get into than playing a priest some Merzbow. Entirely boarded up, surrounded by high walls and fence and with almost every old entry place now secured. We had to walk almost the entire perimeter of the place, and it's not just a small hospital, it's more like a village. This is the outer grounds before we got inside and some other views.

I had a few problems with taking photo's to begin with actually. It was a bit weird. When we first got to the waste ground where we could actually see the hospital in full view, every photo I tried to take was completely ruined. No matter what settings I used, it was the same. I knew for a fact even the manual settings I was using should have given normal results. However, I was getting shots like this.

@^+ was joking that something didn't want me taking shots there. Then my batteries died. I don't really know what to think about stuff like that. The place certainly had an amazing atmosphere. The camera started working ok later. This is the surrounding area of ruchhill.

We were about to leave and give up actually getting in but at the last minute found a gap in a fence. We managed to get into the grounds that way. After that it was into stealth mode. I've never felt so on edge in a place, since all the signs up warned of arrest if caught trespassing.

We had to be pretty careful. These shots are mostly inside the grounds. That's ant checking to see if the coast was clear.

Anyway, there were workmen in there the whole time with large diggers. We were pretty close to getting caught and aren't sure if they saw us or not but we got out of there pretty sharpish. Every building we could see was totally inacessable. The tower was intriguing but I guess we'll never find out what was inside.
Later we managed to get stranded in a few places on the south side of glasgow while trying to meet a friend. Instead we ended up at a park with some swans.

We also came across the strangest billboard. It didn't appear to be advertising anything we could see and simply had this message to display.

Another day ended.

Apy. xx
I made it...Muhahaha!
talk soon doll...xxx's
OH! and yeah...those are camererariffic...(Tell us why, you bastard!)