I thought my time would have expired by now, apparently not. Anyway, I thought since I was still around, I'd update once more.
Its been a very wet month and rather foggy too! I had the weirdest dream that a mist had decended and wouldn't leave, I was meeting people but they were only shapes in the mist with the abililty to talk. Mind you, I also found a stranded shark in my street (in the dream) so at that point I realised it wasn't to be taken literally. : )
I finally managed to get all the Anchor bay coffin box sets.

The Tigon set is the last one I needed. It has the wonderful "Witchfinder general" "Blood on Satan's claw" and "The Virgin witch" amoungst others.

Shot my friend took of me intently doing some wave editing on the PC.
I'm probably going to burn my retina's one day. Speaking of which I have a new Ep due out shortly( probably next week).It's called "The Spiralburst Gallery". Project 168 is a project where artists had to complete an E.P in only one week and is now into its third incarnation. It's really challenging to do and always produces interesting results from all the artists involved due to the tight time constraints.
Watch this Site
for updates. My first 2 E.P's are on there from the previous projects along with a shit load of brilliant music/artists you should check out.
Ok, so this is it I guess. Grabs intercom and switches it off. Love and dinosaurs to you guys. xx
You are still here...in spirit antways...hehe
Hmmmm....well, I am thinking I am going to let some more big, bright, bombs go off in an update sometime soon, (went and had a GREAT time in TAA....got way TOOOOO much to talk about, well...you already know that...)
Hey! I am SOOOoooOOOooooOOOoo Sorry that we are missing eachother, but sadly, as we are both aware, having a life does that to you...(and well, I STILL say you work TOO hard, dammit...just wait until I get there...Oh, the trouble and Mayhem...I am STOKED!)
Anyhow...Guess missin your IM sparked me to go Steve Martin CRAZY (My god...Baby Dragons are a handful...posting pics to-morrow, yes....in here, can u believe I am even here? ACK!)
anyhow...um, that is a tad disturbing, (will tell you in our moments of privy...ask me about it, I'll forget)
Talk soon,