So many leaving/left ....I'll miss you guys.
Ok, a couple of christmas, new year shots. We got lots of snow! Snow just makes me want to create, when it arrives, I feel more in tune, a dark spark forming in there somewhere. Can't imagine what 2006 has in store at the moment. To be honest, I'm happier not knowing,
This is the night we got the heaviest snow. I went out with my little digicam I got for xmas which has a B+w setting on it.
Blue tinted.
New years fun. The only shot my friend took with no drink in my hand.
Ok, well I've thought about it and realised I've got things to fix,my head and heart aren't quite as repaired as I thought previously. So I'm off to see where things take me. I'm at if anyone wants to keep in touch or contact me for whatever reason. I'm not sure when my account runs out so I'll say bye for now. Thanks to all of you who spoke to me on here and made me laugh, its been great. : )Take care, apy. xx
Ok, a couple of christmas, new year shots. We got lots of snow! Snow just makes me want to create, when it arrives, I feel more in tune, a dark spark forming in there somewhere. Can't imagine what 2006 has in store at the moment. To be honest, I'm happier not knowing,

This is the night we got the heaviest snow. I went out with my little digicam I got for xmas which has a B+w setting on it.

Blue tinted.
New years fun. The only shot my friend took with no drink in my hand.

Ok, well I've thought about it and realised I've got things to fix,my head and heart aren't quite as repaired as I thought previously. So I'm off to see where things take me. I'm at if anyone wants to keep in touch or contact me for whatever reason. I'm not sure when my account runs out so I'll say bye for now. Thanks to all of you who spoke to me on here and made me laugh, its been great. : )Take care, apy. xx
Can we still keep in touch, nonetheless?
Im sorry to hear you're leaving and Im also sorry ive been so terrible at keeping in touch, Im not on top of things at all these days! My email is so we could email
Take care x