Hmm, updating. My arms feel like cement, the pain on my face as I try to even reach the keyboard, must...never...update...!!
I suppose I should though.
I got one of those "job" things again, which means I may be able to give people nice stuff at Christmas this year rather than a lucky bag from the ice cream van or a sketchily drawn map with a red X which I claim will lead to a treasure hoard.It's funny how worry and angst can change in 1 day.
Like some kind of virus going around, I've been 'tagged', held at gunpoint and now have to type 20 things about, stuff. Um, I'm not too sure what to write.
1. When I was 10, I gave a speech to the Scottish new naturalist society about extinct marine reptiles, cliff erosion and ammonite preservation. It must have been er, fun for them.
2.In 1984, the film "Ghostbusters" had a profound effect on my innocent little mind. At that age, the fact it was a comedy didn't really register and in those pre CGI days, the things on the screen might as well have been real to us.My friends and I immediately started some kind of ghost club upon coming home, set out maps of local streets which were all "haunted" now of course. Not that you can do much spectre entrapment using a bike bump and a Cornflakes box painted black. One disturbing thing we found on our adventures was an old tramp who showed us a dead hedgehog in a bag.
3.There used to be an old abandoned church down the road from me around the same time as the above fact. It has now been demolished last year unfortunately. But for as long as I remember it stood and with a bit of stealth we could get in. Spooky place. Around 1987,we found a cabinet inside with priests garments and a chalice. One of the guys put the robes on. We stole the chalice but then put it back later fearing lightning strikes or something. We thought it would be a good idea to use the priests garments to make a ghost. There was a second level seating place in the church that overlooked the main area and we hung it from the balcony. It looked not too bad. A week later, the inside of the church was gutted by fire, which was lit by vandals. We reckon it was our fault and that vandals probably set fire to our ghost and it spread. Maybe it scared them.
3. I have a bit of a history with fire. Me and my then girlfriend awoke early one morning to find one of my posters in flames and spreading and the room filled with black smoke. A candle had fallen over while we were passed out drunk. If we hadn't woken up I suppose we wouldn't be here. The cause of the fire was a collection of demo tapes of mine at the time which were stacked neatly together. The candle had somehow found them. I lost a lot of music at that time! Drinking+candles, just say no.
4.On a similar fire theme, my project name "Dissolved" came from when I used to do experimental paintings in the early 90's. To achieve texture I used bleach, soap powder and rust which I would set on fire using a home made "thrower" which was basically a can of fixing spray and a lighter held at the nozzle. Sensible days eh.It was all about control and most of the time it worked but I managed to set one particularly large painting on fire which caught my rug underneath and pretty much dissolved the whole rug into a black plasticky mess.
5. One of my first jobs was in an aquarium shop feeding Moray eels and Lion fish their supper using a plastic stick with the food stuck on the end as you couldn't put your hands in the tank. Pesky fish are so beautiful to look at that the temptation to touch them is over powering. Then you die in screaming pain.
6.Some of my fears are deep water(which I dream about all the time) and needles.
7.I'm very accident prone. I fall a lot.I fall up my stairs. I've had 12 stiches on the back of my head when I was attacked by a group of idiots and one of them hit me on the back of the head with the push bar from a shopping trolly. When my back was turned. My friends ran off but for some reason I stood there wanting to fight them all and I hate violence. Adrenalin probably. I nearly lost my hand in a lawnmower accident but luckily the blade pushed my hand out rather than sucking it in. Don't ask. I've split my forehead open in the same place twice when I was young. I had an allergic reaction to a BCG jab at school and had to go to hospital. I spilled warm fat over my legs when I opened a cuboard and someone had put the pan away still with oil in it. But luckily was wearing thick jeans and sat in a cold bath for an hour and there was no damage at all to my legs. And lots of other stupid general accidents.
8. Bouncers confiscated a jar of Horlicks from me once when I was trying to get into a night club. They wouldn't give me it back at the end of the night either.
9. I am a noise addict. Broken radio's, distortion, rubbish recording equipment. Noise shaped much of my experiments for many years. The worst thing ever was when they introduced Decibel restrictions at gigs in the 90's. It really affected some bands that you felt should have been much more powerful. So as a result, the loudest band I ever saw was Smashing Pumpkins at the Glasgow Barrowlands, I could hardly hear for about 3 days. I saw Pantera and Slayer at the same venue after the restrictions had been introduced and although loud it just wasn't the same.
10. Apydiagirls is not a name invented for Sg and is infact a side project of mine concentrating on severe Glitch and data corruption.
11. I like mushrooms but not Toadstools.
12. My least prolific music project is "Ridiculous New year" which I can proudly say have released 4 songs ever. One track features some family members singing an xmas song in the 70's which I'm unfamiliar with, in a wicker man type fashion but much scarier sounding.
13. On that note, I met a girl called Rowan Morrison in the pub one night. I resisted the temptation to ask her if she had ever met Lord Summerilse or indeed if she was responsible for a bad crop that year.
14. I love Betamax but VHS is a necessary evil .
15. I don't believe in the Loch Ness Monster, Big foot, UFO's or God. I do believe in Ghosts, Poltergeists, ESP and Cryptids like Megalodon and living fossils and spontanious human combustion.
16. The only card game I know is Snap and I'm rubbish at it.
17. I get upset that a dream recorder hasn't been invented yet. I hope to live to see and use one.
18. Last year, I was dragged against my will by my sadistic friend to go see the awful 2004 update of "Thunderbirds: The movie" with Bill Paxton. After much protesting on my behalf, at 10am we went to a kids matinee showing. After standing in the pouring rain waiting to get in and still half asleep, I was suprised to get in for a kids price admission of 2 while the others had to pay full price. I waved my ticket in their faces in glee. The absurdness increased when we got into the cinema to find about 7 people there, mostly reluctant parents with kids who all turned round to look at us in bemusement. We sat down and the movie started, the old scratchy thunderbirds logo appeared and I thought "ah right, they are going to show the old school trailer before the new one". I thought "It should be busier than this for a brand new film". After 15 minutes, the old 1966 Thunderbirds movie "Thunderbirds are go!" was still on. I asked when the new film was going to start, having resigned myself to the torture that it was going to be. Then I realised It wasn't coming on, we had gone to a showing of the old thunderbirds movie. At 10am in the morning. Added pleasure came from the fact that the print they were showing had apparently been stored in a bin of decay. It was fantastic, the sound jumped every 2 seconds, huge portions of footage was missing and the intro where the different ships were docking was cut short as we jumped to an alarming puppet display of "the shadows" with the Cliff Richard puppet spasming like a deranged pig on speed as the footage got increasingly more scratched and he convulsed on a paper mache moon. At one point in the film they get to Mars and the dialogue is still like "tracy.,fghfjhkrrrhh...cruuuu...scratch....crackle..". and the print is flashing and probably melting in the projector. A little girl probably about 4 says to her mum sitting next to her "Mummy, look, they got to the moon!" and the mum says "Don't be so stupid, they are on MARS not the moon!". Good attention to detail there mum. : /
Best 2 I ever spent at the cinema, My mate tried to show me it on DVD later but I couldn't watch it without the print being trashed, it just wasn't the same.
19. Don't leave sunflower seeds out for an escaped hamster and then go away on holiday. Especially when you've got work happening in the house because of damp. We came back to triffids. Most terrifying moment of my life.
20. Even though I share names with a very annoying famous Magician, I can't do any magic. I was however once given a hundred pounds just for having my name at a promotion thing at a new supermarket store that was opening. They were looking for famous namesakes. 100 just for being born wasn't bad, I ended up stood next to Sean Connery, Pamela Anderson and Mel Gibson for a photo shoot. Other than that I hate my name.
And that's all. Happy Halloween for this weekend and monday Btw! : ) I have my medical coat and Re-agent ready.

I got one of those "job" things again, which means I may be able to give people nice stuff at Christmas this year rather than a lucky bag from the ice cream van or a sketchily drawn map with a red X which I claim will lead to a treasure hoard.It's funny how worry and angst can change in 1 day.
Like some kind of virus going around, I've been 'tagged', held at gunpoint and now have to type 20 things about, stuff. Um, I'm not too sure what to write.
1. When I was 10, I gave a speech to the Scottish new naturalist society about extinct marine reptiles, cliff erosion and ammonite preservation. It must have been er, fun for them.
2.In 1984, the film "Ghostbusters" had a profound effect on my innocent little mind. At that age, the fact it was a comedy didn't really register and in those pre CGI days, the things on the screen might as well have been real to us.My friends and I immediately started some kind of ghost club upon coming home, set out maps of local streets which were all "haunted" now of course. Not that you can do much spectre entrapment using a bike bump and a Cornflakes box painted black. One disturbing thing we found on our adventures was an old tramp who showed us a dead hedgehog in a bag.
3.There used to be an old abandoned church down the road from me around the same time as the above fact. It has now been demolished last year unfortunately. But for as long as I remember it stood and with a bit of stealth we could get in. Spooky place. Around 1987,we found a cabinet inside with priests garments and a chalice. One of the guys put the robes on. We stole the chalice but then put it back later fearing lightning strikes or something. We thought it would be a good idea to use the priests garments to make a ghost. There was a second level seating place in the church that overlooked the main area and we hung it from the balcony. It looked not too bad. A week later, the inside of the church was gutted by fire, which was lit by vandals. We reckon it was our fault and that vandals probably set fire to our ghost and it spread. Maybe it scared them.
3. I have a bit of a history with fire. Me and my then girlfriend awoke early one morning to find one of my posters in flames and spreading and the room filled with black smoke. A candle had fallen over while we were passed out drunk. If we hadn't woken up I suppose we wouldn't be here. The cause of the fire was a collection of demo tapes of mine at the time which were stacked neatly together. The candle had somehow found them. I lost a lot of music at that time! Drinking+candles, just say no.
4.On a similar fire theme, my project name "Dissolved" came from when I used to do experimental paintings in the early 90's. To achieve texture I used bleach, soap powder and rust which I would set on fire using a home made "thrower" which was basically a can of fixing spray and a lighter held at the nozzle. Sensible days eh.It was all about control and most of the time it worked but I managed to set one particularly large painting on fire which caught my rug underneath and pretty much dissolved the whole rug into a black plasticky mess.
5. One of my first jobs was in an aquarium shop feeding Moray eels and Lion fish their supper using a plastic stick with the food stuck on the end as you couldn't put your hands in the tank. Pesky fish are so beautiful to look at that the temptation to touch them is over powering. Then you die in screaming pain.
6.Some of my fears are deep water(which I dream about all the time) and needles.
7.I'm very accident prone. I fall a lot.I fall up my stairs. I've had 12 stiches on the back of my head when I was attacked by a group of idiots and one of them hit me on the back of the head with the push bar from a shopping trolly. When my back was turned. My friends ran off but for some reason I stood there wanting to fight them all and I hate violence. Adrenalin probably. I nearly lost my hand in a lawnmower accident but luckily the blade pushed my hand out rather than sucking it in. Don't ask. I've split my forehead open in the same place twice when I was young. I had an allergic reaction to a BCG jab at school and had to go to hospital. I spilled warm fat over my legs when I opened a cuboard and someone had put the pan away still with oil in it. But luckily was wearing thick jeans and sat in a cold bath for an hour and there was no damage at all to my legs. And lots of other stupid general accidents.
8. Bouncers confiscated a jar of Horlicks from me once when I was trying to get into a night club. They wouldn't give me it back at the end of the night either.
9. I am a noise addict. Broken radio's, distortion, rubbish recording equipment. Noise shaped much of my experiments for many years. The worst thing ever was when they introduced Decibel restrictions at gigs in the 90's. It really affected some bands that you felt should have been much more powerful. So as a result, the loudest band I ever saw was Smashing Pumpkins at the Glasgow Barrowlands, I could hardly hear for about 3 days. I saw Pantera and Slayer at the same venue after the restrictions had been introduced and although loud it just wasn't the same.
10. Apydiagirls is not a name invented for Sg and is infact a side project of mine concentrating on severe Glitch and data corruption.
11. I like mushrooms but not Toadstools.
12. My least prolific music project is "Ridiculous New year" which I can proudly say have released 4 songs ever. One track features some family members singing an xmas song in the 70's which I'm unfamiliar with, in a wicker man type fashion but much scarier sounding.
13. On that note, I met a girl called Rowan Morrison in the pub one night. I resisted the temptation to ask her if she had ever met Lord Summerilse or indeed if she was responsible for a bad crop that year.
14. I love Betamax but VHS is a necessary evil .
15. I don't believe in the Loch Ness Monster, Big foot, UFO's or God. I do believe in Ghosts, Poltergeists, ESP and Cryptids like Megalodon and living fossils and spontanious human combustion.
16. The only card game I know is Snap and I'm rubbish at it.
17. I get upset that a dream recorder hasn't been invented yet. I hope to live to see and use one.
18. Last year, I was dragged against my will by my sadistic friend to go see the awful 2004 update of "Thunderbirds: The movie" with Bill Paxton. After much protesting on my behalf, at 10am we went to a kids matinee showing. After standing in the pouring rain waiting to get in and still half asleep, I was suprised to get in for a kids price admission of 2 while the others had to pay full price. I waved my ticket in their faces in glee. The absurdness increased when we got into the cinema to find about 7 people there, mostly reluctant parents with kids who all turned round to look at us in bemusement. We sat down and the movie started, the old scratchy thunderbirds logo appeared and I thought "ah right, they are going to show the old school trailer before the new one". I thought "It should be busier than this for a brand new film". After 15 minutes, the old 1966 Thunderbirds movie "Thunderbirds are go!" was still on. I asked when the new film was going to start, having resigned myself to the torture that it was going to be. Then I realised It wasn't coming on, we had gone to a showing of the old thunderbirds movie. At 10am in the morning. Added pleasure came from the fact that the print they were showing had apparently been stored in a bin of decay. It was fantastic, the sound jumped every 2 seconds, huge portions of footage was missing and the intro where the different ships were docking was cut short as we jumped to an alarming puppet display of "the shadows" with the Cliff Richard puppet spasming like a deranged pig on speed as the footage got increasingly more scratched and he convulsed on a paper mache moon. At one point in the film they get to Mars and the dialogue is still like "tracy.,fghfjhkrrrhh...cruuuu...scratch....crackle..". and the print is flashing and probably melting in the projector. A little girl probably about 4 says to her mum sitting next to her "Mummy, look, they got to the moon!" and the mum says "Don't be so stupid, they are on MARS not the moon!". Good attention to detail there mum. : /
Best 2 I ever spent at the cinema, My mate tried to show me it on DVD later but I couldn't watch it without the print being trashed, it just wasn't the same.
19. Don't leave sunflower seeds out for an escaped hamster and then go away on holiday. Especially when you've got work happening in the house because of damp. We came back to triffids. Most terrifying moment of my life.
20. Even though I share names with a very annoying famous Magician, I can't do any magic. I was however once given a hundred pounds just for having my name at a promotion thing at a new supermarket store that was opening. They were looking for famous namesakes. 100 just for being born wasn't bad, I ended up stood next to Sean Connery, Pamela Anderson and Mel Gibson for a photo shoot. Other than that I hate my name.
And that's all. Happy Halloween for this weekend and monday Btw! : ) I have my medical coat and Re-agent ready.
I finally got it done!
(Now all I gotta do is upload the sucker into TAA!)
I think you will be mad at me....
(Yeah...The real heart...It's in there, and all over...well, 'the place')
I REALLY cannot wait to see YOUR Hallowe'en pic!
(Oh yeah...I should warn you bout somethin...Later...)
Slimy Smooches!
we shall chat very soon, you are now my slave, remember?(I got the 'item' today
(Yes, I AM being 'cheeky')
[Edited on Nov 01, 2005 12:48AM]