costume is finished! complete with real blood stains (from me pricking myself accidentally with lots of pins lol)
all i have to do now is distress the fuck out of it and it'll be perfect.
i can't wait for halloween!
ps. i have new stuff up on flickr. go check it out :]

all i have to do now is distress the fuck out of it and it'll be perfect.
i can't wait for halloween!
ps. i have new stuff up on flickr. go check it out :]
About the elephant though, thats seriously very cool. Theres absolutely no reason on Earth to kill an elephant except for greedy money hungry selfish ones, so every one saved is most definitely a very good thing! Its very sad that theres been a resurgence in poaching elephants for their tusks though. Kinda faded from the headlines for a few years and I guess thats all it took for things to start getting bad again.