i just got back from an 11-day storm chase adventure. it was definitely one of the best experiences of my life.
hanging out with some of my favoritest people...
getting to really experience the life of a storm chaser...
watching a mesocyclone and tornado form right in front of my eyes...
i'm sad to be back, mostly because i'm not going to see the people i spent 11 straight days with again for a very long time, but at the same time, i'm glad to be back at my house. the trip was exhausting and i'm glad to sit back and relax again. it was a bittersweet goodbye for sure, though.
now all i have to do is pack all my shit up to move out of my house to go back home to Ohio by June 30th, and upload/edit/post the 800+ photos i took over the course of the chase. oh joy. at least i have all of next week to look forward to. going to Chicago with the boyfriend and his family over the course of a few days to check out all the museums and such. i'm super stoked to go to Shed's Aquarium! i LOVE LOVE LOVE aquariums!!! i could spend the entire day there and be perfectly content with life.
i'll only be back in Ohio for about two weeks and then i'm shipping myself over to the homeland of Cambodia for three weeks! my cousin is getting married traditional style and then site-seeing with the family for the remaining two weeks. pretty excited. kinda dreading the mosquitoes and lack of reliable internet, but it'll be a nice getaway from the bullshit of the USA.
when i return, i'll be back for about two weeks in Ohio, then driving down the Florida to start my flight dispatch training! woooooooo!
so yeah. life is pretty good. yeah...
hanging out with some of my favoritest people...
getting to really experience the life of a storm chaser...
watching a mesocyclone and tornado form right in front of my eyes...
i'm sad to be back, mostly because i'm not going to see the people i spent 11 straight days with again for a very long time, but at the same time, i'm glad to be back at my house. the trip was exhausting and i'm glad to sit back and relax again. it was a bittersweet goodbye for sure, though.
now all i have to do is pack all my shit up to move out of my house to go back home to Ohio by June 30th, and upload/edit/post the 800+ photos i took over the course of the chase. oh joy. at least i have all of next week to look forward to. going to Chicago with the boyfriend and his family over the course of a few days to check out all the museums and such. i'm super stoked to go to Shed's Aquarium! i LOVE LOVE LOVE aquariums!!! i could spend the entire day there and be perfectly content with life.
i'll only be back in Ohio for about two weeks and then i'm shipping myself over to the homeland of Cambodia for three weeks! my cousin is getting married traditional style and then site-seeing with the family for the remaining two weeks. pretty excited. kinda dreading the mosquitoes and lack of reliable internet, but it'll be a nice getaway from the bullshit of the USA.
when i return, i'll be back for about two weeks in Ohio, then driving down the Florida to start my flight dispatch training! woooooooo!
so yeah. life is pretty good. yeah...

I can't wait to go to the aquarium again...it's been so long...must do that this summer.
I'm soooo excited for you that you get to have so much fun this summer!
Make it a good one!