I scream in anticipation of your arrival.
love or death!
So you can find me!
I ran into trouble today. Can I help him or will he help me? Should i bring along another sheep, to the slaughter: me trying to get into the woods, and he trying to find his way out.
I wanna be a wolf.
Might as well.. to use the time left to do things I have protected myself from all my life.
Question: Are dangerous and self destructive activities worth experencing? What about this late in the game?
Would you give up your carefree and destructive experences for sane, productive, and confining direction supplied by "them"? What if I only have the latter, is it ok to drink, smoke, and do hard drugs for no real reason other then to escape, or see what happens?
Disclaimer: This is not a dark email, I swear. No angst, yet...
My camera is going away
Bye bye camera...
I scream in anticipation of your arrival.
love or death!
So you can find me!
I ran into trouble today. Can I help him or will he help me? Should i bring along another sheep, to the slaughter: me trying to get into the woods, and he trying to find his way out.
I wanna be a wolf.
Might as well.. to use the time left to do things I have protected myself from all my life.
Question: Are dangerous and self destructive activities worth experencing? What about this late in the game?
Would you give up your carefree and destructive experences for sane, productive, and confining direction supplied by "them"? What if I only have the latter, is it ok to drink, smoke, and do hard drugs for no real reason other then to escape, or see what happens?
Disclaimer: This is not a dark email, I swear. No angst, yet...
My camera is going away
Bye bye camera...
touching on selfdestruction. I think being selfdestructive is very easy. you feel pain inside so you cause pain on the outside to make it match. I used to be selfdestructive, but now I like to be productive, it makes me feel proud to look back at something feeling like I accomplished something. looking back on selfdestructive behavior just makes me remember the state I was in and possibly brings me back to that same state. Ya know? and drugs, i prefer to take them to see what happens, not to "self medicate/sedate" cause seriously that's just a waste of me.