I need to figure out what it is that makes people glaze over when they talk to me. I know a lot of accademics, and I like to cuddle, but I'm not all that fun I think.
My new years resolution is to act on thoes urges I get all the time.
For example (exemplae gratitious e.g.) A friend of my roomate was having his birthday yesterday, and as I was walking by the resturant where he works headding to the bars I though to my self that I should go in and tell the hostess to tell him that a weird looking guy with a blue mohawk wishes him a happy birthday. But I dont really know him...
Perhaps that is why.
Later that night after some people I know hinted very obviously that I should leave them alone, I followed some of these urges, although they were of a more childish nature: Sitting on ledges of three/four story buildings (I am afraid of hights, I sweat just thinking about it) and breaking into construction sights and messing around (not vandalism, just tresspassing).
Oh, and my stupid lip is split cause its dry
so I kiss you with it!
And for all thoes theory sluts, Im working on the idea that connectionism - network theory, game theory, systems theory all rolled into one - is the next step after postmodernism.
Thoughts please!
Oh, and I am working on a new painting, a sculpture idea for an open call in newyork, an interface for an old audio sculpture, grad school applications, among other things. I just gotta keep from getting sad so I can do all that.
Last question: should I call a shrink? A person I know gave me a number of someone who may do sliding scale but I've never been able to dial the number. Perhaps cause it seems like something I should be able to do on my own. Plus spending money on non art is hard for me... perhaps if I stop drinking it will ballance out...
Anyway, what do you think?
(sorry for the long post
My new years resolution is to act on thoes urges I get all the time.
For example (exemplae gratitious e.g.) A friend of my roomate was having his birthday yesterday, and as I was walking by the resturant where he works headding to the bars I though to my self that I should go in and tell the hostess to tell him that a weird looking guy with a blue mohawk wishes him a happy birthday. But I dont really know him...
Perhaps that is why.
Later that night after some people I know hinted very obviously that I should leave them alone, I followed some of these urges, although they were of a more childish nature: Sitting on ledges of three/four story buildings (I am afraid of hights, I sweat just thinking about it) and breaking into construction sights and messing around (not vandalism, just tresspassing).
Oh, and my stupid lip is split cause its dry

so I kiss you with it!

And for all thoes theory sluts, Im working on the idea that connectionism - network theory, game theory, systems theory all rolled into one - is the next step after postmodernism.
Thoughts please!
Oh, and I am working on a new painting, a sculpture idea for an open call in newyork, an interface for an old audio sculpture, grad school applications, among other things. I just gotta keep from getting sad so I can do all that.

Last question: should I call a shrink? A person I know gave me a number of someone who may do sliding scale but I've never been able to dial the number. Perhaps cause it seems like something I should be able to do on my own. Plus spending money on non art is hard for me... perhaps if I stop drinking it will ballance out...
Anyway, what do you think?
(sorry for the long post

About the lips, try soft lips with menthol-lyptus, AMAZING SHIT MAN!!!
I'm partial to the theory of quantum reality and morphic resonance myself.
I live in NYC that's why I can find the fetish clubs, buckel down on that project then when you come to NYC i can SHOW YOU said fetish clubs.
And if my set will be all fetish-ified . . . you'll just have to wait and see.
Oh and no way in hell am I gonna open the can of worms that is my personal life to those children, and i mean children (at work) I'm the one photo editor in a jewelry company owned by conservative jews. these children I speak of are 17-21 and their Idea of a good time is slapping signs on eachothers backs. Just want I need "kick me I'm a homo" on my back.
[Edited on Jan 20, 2005 8:13PM]