Im tired of all the people I like not liking me back.
Im tired of people liking me and me not liking them in return.
Im tired of not having any friends.
Im tired of being alone.
So I took some pictures to be occupied. Check out the new folder in my pics section entitled "anti-depression dance".
Let me know what you think, if you feel like it.
It was fun, sort of.
Now to read some of my new x-mass books and go to bed. I have to work tomarrow and the day after.
I was hoping to go dancing with some friends.
Or just hang out with some people I know in the hopes of making new friends...
Im tired of people liking me and me not liking them in return.
Im tired of not having any friends.
Im tired of being alone.
So I took some pictures to be occupied. Check out the new folder in my pics section entitled "anti-depression dance".

Let me know what you think, if you feel like it.
It was fun, sort of.
Now to read some of my new x-mass books and go to bed. I have to work tomarrow and the day after.

I was hoping to go dancing with some friends.
Or just hang out with some people I know in the hopes of making new friends...

i would write more, but drinking makes me less than articulate, so, yeah.
i like the pictures.
out of curiousity, why don't you have a car? i mean...i guess it's easy enough to get around boulder without one, but...boulder is such a weird town.
okay, i don't know where i'm going with this.
We'll try to live web cast it, but we will definately be taking lots of pictures of course.
If we have another shindig, will you come???