Whoa, what a story, no?
I awoke today after sleeping 12 hours to find all the footpints of a bender about me;
A large dent in the wall as though I had fallen aginst it at one point,
A street-sign with pole in my yard,
My pocket-watch briken into a thousand pieces on the floor,
Gum and assorted debris cast about on the carpet,
My sisters friend saying she and her friends saw me walking down the middle of a four lane street at 2AM.
Its a christmass miracle I didnt nose-dive somewhere on the sidewalk and sleep there.
Then there are all these pieces of sugger people have left for me in the forms of comments; Thanks!
SG rocks, and more specifically you people are my heros! Thanks for all the kind words!
I need to move to a place where I can roll woth people like you guys. And on that note I am thinking of actually moving! I am in an art show in January (for which I really need to get cracking on getting the machine for the show to run...
), but after that I only want to release another disk and then I will be ready too move!
There is a web-design company that did the warp records site that is looking for interns, and I think they are based in the UK. Im thinking of looking at that, or possibly looking for something in San Fransisco. Europe would be nice, 'cept I have student loans to pay off and I only speek a little Deutsch. Any ideas or thoughts on places that are fun to live in where someone like me with a fine arts major/computer science minor could find work that would allow me to continue to make art?
I have to focus at the task at hand now; the show in January and the removal of this stake in my heart. One final step would be to read that blesed/cursed letter...
Perhaps tomarrow when I am working on that machine for the show. (You can see a video (large,small) of the beta of the piece for the show). Its going to be a little different, but basically its a simple cellular-automota/a-life piece that will turn these images of petri-dishes filled with stuff artists have put in there into 'living' cultures. Petri, a-life; I know, a litle too heavy handed but what can I say...
Thanks again my peeps!
You can crash at my pad any night!
Addendium 2004-12-28:
Depressed, but laughing now!

I awoke today after sleeping 12 hours to find all the footpints of a bender about me;
A large dent in the wall as though I had fallen aginst it at one point,
A street-sign with pole in my yard,
My pocket-watch briken into a thousand pieces on the floor,
Gum and assorted debris cast about on the carpet,
My sisters friend saying she and her friends saw me walking down the middle of a four lane street at 2AM.

Its a christmass miracle I didnt nose-dive somewhere on the sidewalk and sleep there.
Then there are all these pieces of sugger people have left for me in the forms of comments; Thanks!

SG rocks, and more specifically you people are my heros! Thanks for all the kind words!

I need to move to a place where I can roll woth people like you guys. And on that note I am thinking of actually moving! I am in an art show in January (for which I really need to get cracking on getting the machine for the show to run...

There is a web-design company that did the warp records site that is looking for interns, and I think they are based in the UK. Im thinking of looking at that, or possibly looking for something in San Fransisco. Europe would be nice, 'cept I have student loans to pay off and I only speek a little Deutsch. Any ideas or thoughts on places that are fun to live in where someone like me with a fine arts major/computer science minor could find work that would allow me to continue to make art?
I have to focus at the task at hand now; the show in January and the removal of this stake in my heart. One final step would be to read that blesed/cursed letter...
Perhaps tomarrow when I am working on that machine for the show. (You can see a video (large,small) of the beta of the piece for the show). Its going to be a little different, but basically its a simple cellular-automota/a-life piece that will turn these images of petri-dishes filled with stuff artists have put in there into 'living' cultures. Petri, a-life; I know, a litle too heavy handed but what can I say...

Thanks again my peeps!

You can crash at my pad any night!

Addendium 2004-12-28:
Depressed, but laughing now!

thanks hun!
thanks hun!