My ex-girlfriend meant a lot to me.
I decided to date her because she was mysterious and we had art in common. She made work that was good work, but it was 180 degrees away from my own work, which i found interesting. She was attractive but not a 'hottie' per sae, to use the parlance du jour. We kissed on new years eve and she moved in the following may. We were togeather for almost 2 years.
It turns out we didn't have much in common at all. She had nuroses regarding just about everything, but who doesnt, except that ours conflicted. I guess it comes down to that; do your seperate ways of dealing with the world complement or conflict with each other. She would get angry at the world when I just get sad. She avoided logic as too confining where as logic and I are inseperable. She was open where I was introverted. Basically at the end I would hold my breath so as to not give her any reason to get angry at me because it would tear me up inside, despite me knowing that it wasnt me that she was angry at; she was just not happy in general.
I guess I'm trying to figure out why I miss her so much...
So much...
We were trying to be friends, but a couple of weeks ago (maybe three) she called me and told me that she couldn't talk to me for an indeterminate amount of time becasue it hurt her to much. She said that she was going to send me a letter that she had written several weeks before, and that I could send her the package I had been meaning to send for a while as well, but aside of that she would like it if I didnt contact her.
I sent a package to her today.
God, I want some drinks and painkillers.
I got her letter last week but I haven't had the courage to open it and read it. It just sits on my table like a knife in my gut; every time I see the envelope the knife twists a little to the left - sinestra.
(A random picture of a sculpture I made with me as the person inside)
Added Question:
Is happyness contageous? I was thinking about the fun people I know, and how people who are normaly boring are sucked into a charasmatic field radiating from these fun people.
Anyone know any fun people to hang out with? I just spread a pleuge of excessive sobriety. :[
I decided to date her because she was mysterious and we had art in common. She made work that was good work, but it was 180 degrees away from my own work, which i found interesting. She was attractive but not a 'hottie' per sae, to use the parlance du jour. We kissed on new years eve and she moved in the following may. We were togeather for almost 2 years.
It turns out we didn't have much in common at all. She had nuroses regarding just about everything, but who doesnt, except that ours conflicted. I guess it comes down to that; do your seperate ways of dealing with the world complement or conflict with each other. She would get angry at the world when I just get sad. She avoided logic as too confining where as logic and I are inseperable. She was open where I was introverted. Basically at the end I would hold my breath so as to not give her any reason to get angry at me because it would tear me up inside, despite me knowing that it wasnt me that she was angry at; she was just not happy in general.
I guess I'm trying to figure out why I miss her so much...
So much...
We were trying to be friends, but a couple of weeks ago (maybe three) she called me and told me that she couldn't talk to me for an indeterminate amount of time becasue it hurt her to much. She said that she was going to send me a letter that she had written several weeks before, and that I could send her the package I had been meaning to send for a while as well, but aside of that she would like it if I didnt contact her.
I sent a package to her today.
God, I want some drinks and painkillers.
I got her letter last week but I haven't had the courage to open it and read it. It just sits on my table like a knife in my gut; every time I see the envelope the knife twists a little to the left - sinestra.

(A random picture of a sculpture I made with me as the person inside)
Added Question:
Is happyness contageous? I was thinking about the fun people I know, and how people who are normaly boring are sucked into a charasmatic field radiating from these fun people.
Anyone know any fun people to hang out with? I just spread a pleuge of excessive sobriety. :[

i actually haven't been to a club since before vinyls roof caved in during that blizard.
i don't get out much. maybe that's why i don't know any fun people.