I hope you like it; its a version of Barbie's neeto idea of a questionair. What are your hoping for in the future?
Mine are:
1. UN kicking our arse out of Iraq and the middle east
2. Someone that will hold my head in their lap and play with my hair
3. A low latency linux kernel for audio my AMD64 laptop
4. Some friends to go dancing with
5. A great big Johnson to please the ladies
6. Oh holy lotto to bless moi
7. My second CD to rock
8. To have my brain transplanted into a cybernetic body
9. To be Kaneda

10. To become a svelte poolboy for a rich dominating Mistress
11. To have this cool bridle set for myself (for dancing of course

(got a little weird there at the end

How about you?
Supplemental entry 2004-12-20:
I stood atop my favorite parking structure again today. Winds here blew at what I would guess to be thirty to fourty miles per hour. Poorly constructed sheet metal tops of buildings were blowing off of neighboring structures, but all I could watch were the two pigeons straining aginst the wind struggling to gain one hundred feet, only to bank and zip by and loose in a second all that they had worked so hard for three minuets to gain. It was a joyful loss, and it made me envious.
I drank my caffiene and stood at an angle aginst the wind with my eyes closed, trying to guess the next gusts direction and strength; trying to just react without thinking. Following the lead of the pigeons who darted between powerlines and tree limbs using the variablity and a hint of where to move next, rather then a hinderance to there pre-decided course.
Though my iPod was blaring everything from Aphex Twin to Mouse on Mars to u-Ziq into my ears, and the wind was howling across my jacket and whipping through my sunglasses, all I could hear was the humm of the sun on my face, and all I could feel was the cool lick of the wind as it tempered the suns rays. I tried to will myself not only to lift off of the ground, but to become part of the wind and simply disolve into the surging gale; to become one of the fleeting stratus clouds all streamlined and slick in the bright blue sky.
however, i'm sure you'd pull it off nicely...hmm.
I wish you were here to build snowmen and snow forts! it would be a grand old time!
i really nead a tripod BAD, so i can takedamn slow shutter speed pics. grrrrrrrr