My life has yet to show me anything to convince me it's worthwhile in the 28 years I've been alive. I'm really not naive enough to think that's gonna change. Except for the seemingly small minority of beautiful individuals out there, people are just shit and there really doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it. They live to make themselves happy and others miserable and simply because we care about anything, they succeed in doing so. I refuse to be one of them, so as such, apparently I refuse to find any satisfaction in this life for myself. I suppose I'll just trudge along my path on this cursed earth bearing my burden till it can be borne no longer.
Ive had my fair share of some pretty shitty humans but it all comes full circle for them! I let the "shit" role right off and keep it moving!
Same here. Nobody out there seems to take much interest in the face that I'm alive. In fact, the world only wants to discourage my existence. People don't give a hoot about me. Women can't stand me. Companies don't want to hire me. However, since I live in a relatively free and developed nation in a pretty safe and clean area allowing me to earn an education and live comfortably and idly, I try not to complain too much.