Wake up hand job (woulda been bj...just didn't get to it lol)--> morning sex --> stuffed omelet brunch --> cuddles and tv = Perfect start to a day with my eskimo!
My parents were away this weekend and it was amazing. I was off of work and got to actually relax with Ryan. Yesterday we went into Oakland to meet some of my friends from the opera for the Children's Festival. I turned 12 again and went into the petting zoo to feed baby goats and sheep and a couple miniature pony colts. It was fun! Lol I wanted to get my face painted, but Ryan was negative about it haha. Then again I did ask if he would fuck me if my face was painted like a tiger
.....when he said no and that he wouldn't even ride in the car home with me, I proceeded to ask about any other creature/character lol. That turned into some interesting conversations. We were there for about 4 hours and then went to Home Depot to pick some stuff up.
I made dinner which was "pizza goulash" (Egg noodles, lotsa cheese, pepperoni, black olives, mushrooms and sauce baked together.) yum! and we watched Doctor Who.
I got a lil drunk and we hung out in chat for quite a while while also watching the end of Tremors and then Iron Man.
Had amazing sex because we could and then passed out and slept in today. I would say that this weekend was successfully awesome and I can't wait for the next two weeks when my parents go away for the weekend again!

My parents were away this weekend and it was amazing. I was off of work and got to actually relax with Ryan. Yesterday we went into Oakland to meet some of my friends from the opera for the Children's Festival. I turned 12 again and went into the petting zoo to feed baby goats and sheep and a couple miniature pony colts. It was fun! Lol I wanted to get my face painted, but Ryan was negative about it haha. Then again I did ask if he would fuck me if my face was painted like a tiger

I made dinner which was "pizza goulash" (Egg noodles, lotsa cheese, pepperoni, black olives, mushrooms and sauce baked together.) yum! and we watched Doctor Who.
I got a lil drunk and we hung out in chat for quite a while while also watching the end of Tremors and then Iron Man.
Had amazing sex because we could and then passed out and slept in today. I would say that this weekend was successfully awesome and I can't wait for the next two weeks when my parents go away for the weekend again!

yay for awesome weekends<3