This is how long until my account expires. I haven't decided about an alternate form of showing off all my nakedness. I really liked this site because I knew that I could make it for only people who were paying and not the entire internets. I have a account, however that's not for everyone and I keep that even more under wraps than this....
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Yeah, definitely not renewing in January. I'm not happy with the fact that I can't have a "Friends Only" blog, it's "Followers" now. Anyone could follow me...I mean I think they should have had it automatically be "I approve followers" and not "just any fucking perv can follow me."
There should still be that extra "Friends" option...
Also, not really a fan of the layout....
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Today would be Ryan's 28th birthday. Fuck you, David Edick. I had a White Russian for him tonight.
Other than that this passed weekend I went to TeslaCon. A steampunk immersion con. It started on Halloween and I dressed as Vastra from the current Doctor Who. (Pictures to come eventually). It was a little rough because there was a lot of history in the people...
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I don't know how I feel about this new layout and such....I'll try it for a bit. Got a couple months before my account expires.
On another note. I had a date this past Friday night. It lasted until Saturday afternoon. ;)
It was awesome and we just clicked. He was really sweet and kept looking at me like I was the only one around....
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Of course I've been stressed this last month. Also, bullshit at work. Leads to 11 days late, which leads to me trying to make plans with N to have one last romp before he's gone until January....which would have been tonight....if my vag wouldn't have decided that NOW we can open the Red Sea flood gates!!!!! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!!
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This is the first time I feel as though I can relax and actually get some decent sleep.
They caught the cowardly mother fucker that murdered Ryan. He tried to swim to Mexico....what an idiot. I want to be at his trial (if he doesn't plead out), I want to be at his sentencing, I...
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PLEASE pass this along, especially if you are in the Upstate NY area. PLEASE help bring this cowardly mother fucker in.
This was arctcknight, Ryan, my most recent ex and one of the only men I truly loved. Regardless of how our break up played out, he would have and will always have a place in my heart. I have no words to express the loss.

Yay, I might be on more often now!
Miss you guys.