I start working on my own this coming Friday... I'm really scared about that... this place must have hundreds of different brands of hair products and I'm only familiar with maybe 4 of them
You should see me struggle to recommend products when customers ask me what the best product for "(dry hair, frizzy hair, insert other hair-type-problem here)" is me -->
= ditz.
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You should see me struggle to recommend products when customers ask me what the best product for "(dry hair, frizzy hair, insert other hair-type-problem here)" is me -->

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hahahaaaaaa you are rad
I haven't talked to you in a few days, how's my pretty little celibate darling doing?

ok quick update...
*Dylan is right I think.. about me being 'boy crazy' mwahaha! But I'm gonna blame that on Spring... even though the weather lately has been less than Spring-like...
*I'm listening to TLC CrazySexyCool... they were my hero back in the day *sigh* I think they're the reason I've always had this sort of feminist leaning... I always took their message seriously....
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*Dylan is right I think.. about me being 'boy crazy' mwahaha! But I'm gonna blame that on Spring... even though the weather lately has been less than Spring-like...

*I'm listening to TLC CrazySexyCool... they were my hero back in the day *sigh* I think they're the reason I've always had this sort of feminist leaning... I always took their message seriously....
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Oh course i'm right, i'm always right.

i wasn't looking at the guitar
i forgot to tell you a story when you were at my house today DAMNIT
i wasn't looking at the guitar

i forgot to tell you a story when you were at my house today DAMNIT
This weekend is going to kick ass: friday - dancing w/Laura and the girlssss, saturday - Colleen... maybe even Bobbi? sunday - SLAMFESSSSST! On Wednesday I'm pretty sure that I'm going to see sick city play again (maybe this time they'll have demos left!!!@#$#). I want one of their demos because I'm making a tape to send to my bestest friend in the world and...
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that book sounds really cool. just looked it up; wow, it's compiled by the guy from sonic youth, so i think it might be worth checking out on a lazy afternoon in chapters one day. it's scheduled to come out next tuesday.
nooooooooooooooooo you are!
hot boys

Last night was hot boy overload. Andrew (f4/cbk) showed up and I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm in love with him. hah. that's a tad embarassing. Josh is a great singer... and hot. The guitar player in Port Amoral is the cutest ever.. he says that he's excited that I'm going to their CD release.. awww! Some girl that was wearing red eyeshadow really liked...
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ok, so who is this....don't hold out on my april! i'll go pirate on your ass!

So ummmm basically I have the hugest crush on Josh from Sick City and I might have to go see the band play the finals at Coyotes on May 4th. I don't even think I like their music that much. He goes to my university (ok I saw him there before I saw his band play at Comeback Kid damnit... so not stalking him... really)....
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as if my hot dentist tried to hook me up with a guy my own age "that drives a bike (a motorcycle or dirtbike.. or some shit like that), is in school to be a dentist" and is just 'mr. popular'.... puhleeze.
he's been my dentist since I was 11 years old.... he thinks I'm asian. He must be smoking crack because my last...
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he's been my dentist since I was 11 years old.... he thinks I'm asian. He must be smoking crack because my last...
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i'm scared of the dentist
love your pics!
love your pics!

there are 2 new pics!! GREAT!!!
we want more...
We Want More...
there are 2 new pics!! GREAT!!!
we want more...
We Want More...

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Low
Level 2 | Very High
Level 3 | Very High
Level 4 | Very High
Level 5 | Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis | High...
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Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Low
Level 2 | Very High
Level 3 | Very High
Level 4 | Very High
Level 5 | Very High
Level 6 - The City of Dis | High...
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I'm glad i'm your favorite person, that rocks.

haha. its kind of nice being in hell with all the sluts.
i went to old navy today...i almost shot myself. why do i think that everytime i go, maybe it has gotten better. NO. terrible terrible. i did however find a pair of 4 dollar flip flops and some decent "long" shorts......damnit I hate Old Navy and I hate actually spending money there......but i digress....
which level were you on again? the 7th? crazy Q-bee...yer right down there with hitler!
i went to old navy today...i almost shot myself. why do i think that everytime i go, maybe it has gotten better. NO. terrible terrible. i did however find a pair of 4 dollar flip flops and some decent "long" shorts......damnit I hate Old Navy and I hate actually spending money there......but i digress....
which level were you on again? the 7th? crazy Q-bee...yer right down there with hitler!
I am 21.
It sounds so weird... because now I'm an adult in the United States too. I could drive down to Minneapolis and get a tattoo... maybe rent some porn. Not that it's that big of a deal because I did those things (and more) when I turned 18 here.
Anyway, I wasn't expecting all of those comments when I logged in here today,...
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It sounds so weird... because now I'm an adult in the United States too. I could drive down to Minneapolis and get a tattoo... maybe rent some porn. Not that it's that big of a deal because I did those things (and more) when I turned 18 here.
Anyway, I wasn't expecting all of those comments when I logged in here today,...
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Thank you for the kind words it means alot, i'm sorry my entry almost made you cry though.
The hair...yeah...i totally do it myself too.
Anyway, i'm gonna be living in Minneapolis starting in August, maybe we'll run into each other, haha.

The hair...yeah...i totally do it myself too.

Anyway, i'm gonna be living in Minneapolis starting in August, maybe we'll run into each other, haha.
april did you get your quesadilla yet? still waiting? oh ok......NO SOUP FOR YOU!
I'm really, really bored right now. I have an hour until I can leave for the city. I haven't felt this way in awhile.. you know the feeling of being a loser because it's a Saturday night and your doing shit all? Yup.
Horray for last minute plans with Bobbi.
Speaking of Bobbi, I was just talking to her on the phone and she was...
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Horray for last minute plans with Bobbi.
Speaking of Bobbi, I was just talking to her on the phone and she was...
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Whoa!!! Thank you everyone!!!
blush blush blush
april likes blush brushes

I finally get where the expression "Nice shoes, wanna fuck?" comes from. I recently downloaded "Lover I Don't Have To Love" by Bright Eyes... and yeah. I love the song though, it's hawt shit.
"but you write such pretty words, but life's no story book. Love is an excuse to get hurt and to hurt. Do you like to hurt? I do, I do....
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"but you write such pretty words, but life's no story book. Love is an excuse to get hurt and to hurt. Do you like to hurt? I do, I do....
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somebody told me that you had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend that i had in february april...heheheheee hehehe that sounds funny, february april. its in march april. haha your name is so playful!......whoa....it must be getting close to the end of the week, I am wacky. and you do have nice shoes and i do wanna fuck......

i adore your profile pic! it's so cute.