WHOOOO!! 31 days till i get hitched to the most wonder man in the world!!!!
So today i worked, my day off and i had to work, its going to be a long long week, but what i do have to look forward to is a 3 day weeked because of it!
As far as the pregnancy, i am 10 weeks and 5 days, 1 st trimester is almost over, all i am is tired and achy, no morning sickness at all. I just want to sleep ALL OF THE TIME..... I sleep about 9-10 hrs a night and still feel like i could sleep more. I tried on my wedding gown and YES i still fit into it so everything should be good. My nails are growing at a very rapid pace and hair looks wonderful(thank you prenatal vitamins) I do wish i could dye my hair black again, i miss it so much... Ok now i am just babbling so.....lata!
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe halloween!!!!!!!!!

So today i worked, my day off and i had to work, its going to be a long long week, but what i do have to look forward to is a 3 day weeked because of it!
As far as the pregnancy, i am 10 weeks and 5 days, 1 st trimester is almost over, all i am is tired and achy, no morning sickness at all. I just want to sleep ALL OF THE TIME..... I sleep about 9-10 hrs a night and still feel like i could sleep more. I tried on my wedding gown and YES i still fit into it so everything should be good. My nails are growing at a very rapid pace and hair looks wonderful(thank you prenatal vitamins) I do wish i could dye my hair black again, i miss it so much... Ok now i am just babbling so.....lata!
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe halloween!!!!!!!!!
Also best wishes with your wedding!
I guess being preggers kind of complicates the set sending in