mmm, i got me some salsa and chips! my favorite.
i've been a little addicted to i love the 90's. its kinda sad. but i love remembering all that lame shit.
work was kinda sucky today. other than the same old customers, complaining about the same old shit, my bosses friend died of lukemia. so when she told me that, the mood was kinda set for the day. i felt so bad, and theres nothing you can say to somebody, that will make them feel any better. it sucks.
oh, and we had Oprah on at work, and it was the most fucked up shit. i dont wanna really go into it on here, cause i think i've been enough of a bummer. anyway, i hope everyone had a great day.
i hope tomorrow is better
i've been a little addicted to i love the 90's. its kinda sad. but i love remembering all that lame shit.
work was kinda sucky today. other than the same old customers, complaining about the same old shit, my bosses friend died of lukemia. so when she told me that, the mood was kinda set for the day. i felt so bad, and theres nothing you can say to somebody, that will make them feel any better. it sucks.
oh, and we had Oprah on at work, and it was the most fucked up shit. i dont wanna really go into it on here, cause i think i've been enough of a bummer. anyway, i hope everyone had a great day.
i hope tomorrow is better
i love the 90's last night was too funny..but they keep leaving out important stuff like kurt's death and radiohead and rage likeall kinds of cool shit....
Oprah is the queen of the damned... evil, evil, oprah