i'm listening to Gloria by Laura Brannigan...just thought i'd share
i should be at work right now...my boss made me cancel our day because he was out too late prolly snorting coke off of some filthy boy...although he tells me other things, like he has jet lag, or there was a fire in his neighborhood and his throat is too sore to come to work...you do hair fucker! how does a sore throat prevent you from working?
so, i'm out lots of tips that i wouldve had, and i'm making shit as is...SHIT!
sorry, you know me sometimes i just need to rant...i think thats mostly what i use my SG blog for anymore
anywho...i was a part of the PETA, "I'd Rather Go Naked then Wear Fur" campaign!!! it was loads of naked fun! i felt very special, because while the photographer was shooting me, the hair man was all over my hair! he put a fan on me...it was great!
i didnt take any pictures with my own camera though i hate that i didnt!
all of the gals looked beautiful! i got to see their photos on the computer that they had there...sexy bitches, i must say
hey look! i'm still whoring my rejected fucking set, Flashdance! please give it love and a chance at the front page...i havent had a set accepted in like 2 years...7 rejections...now that is just ridiculous! am i right?
ooh, also...you should play this game! each word you get right, they'll donate 10 grains of rice to people who really are in need! 10 grains doesnt sound like much, but it adds up so quickly! and its fun if you're a dork like me and like vocabulary and word games
so, i guess i'll go clean my room or something...ugh...its such a fucking mess! i dont even know where to start...wish me luck
as always, thanks for stoping by...oh yeah...pics...well, here ya go:
this one is pretty old...tour '05
a few days before tour:
im cozy...they stopped making that soy ice cream and i'm still recovering from that news;(
the scary toilet at my daddy's shop:
i had an infected hang nail (the boys said we wouldnt need a first aid kit...ha!), and i made that bracelet (tour)
our wedding day (i dont know if i've ever posted about this...we got married on tour in vegas!)
this is the courthouse where we had to get all of the paper work and shite:
feeling the music in milwaukee...appearently...
our DVD cover:
best fries in the world...i guess shawn doesnt think so...
philly chainsaw massacre!
the best:
thanks for the sweet ride shawn...beep, beep!
and i shall finish with the best thing ever
i should be at work right now...my boss made me cancel our day because he was out too late prolly snorting coke off of some filthy boy...although he tells me other things, like he has jet lag, or there was a fire in his neighborhood and his throat is too sore to come to work...you do hair fucker! how does a sore throat prevent you from working?
so, i'm out lots of tips that i wouldve had, and i'm making shit as is...SHIT!
sorry, you know me sometimes i just need to rant...i think thats mostly what i use my SG blog for anymore
anywho...i was a part of the PETA, "I'd Rather Go Naked then Wear Fur" campaign!!! it was loads of naked fun! i felt very special, because while the photographer was shooting me, the hair man was all over my hair! he put a fan on me...it was great!
i didnt take any pictures with my own camera though i hate that i didnt!
all of the gals looked beautiful! i got to see their photos on the computer that they had there...sexy bitches, i must say
hey look! i'm still whoring my rejected fucking set, Flashdance! please give it love and a chance at the front page...i havent had a set accepted in like 2 years...7 rejections...now that is just ridiculous! am i right?
ooh, also...you should play this game! each word you get right, they'll donate 10 grains of rice to people who really are in need! 10 grains doesnt sound like much, but it adds up so quickly! and its fun if you're a dork like me and like vocabulary and word games
so, i guess i'll go clean my room or something...ugh...its such a fucking mess! i dont even know where to start...wish me luck
as always, thanks for stoping by...oh yeah...pics...well, here ya go:
this one is pretty old...tour '05
a few days before tour:
im cozy...they stopped making that soy ice cream and i'm still recovering from that news;(
the scary toilet at my daddy's shop:
i had an infected hang nail (the boys said we wouldnt need a first aid kit...ha!), and i made that bracelet (tour)
our wedding day (i dont know if i've ever posted about this...we got married on tour in vegas!)
this is the courthouse where we had to get all of the paper work and shite:
feeling the music in milwaukee...appearently...
our DVD cover:
best fries in the world...i guess shawn doesnt think so...
philly chainsaw massacre!
the best:
thanks for the sweet ride shawn...beep, beep!
and i shall finish with the best thing ever
...and your pix with your hubby are absolutely swoonfull
i've decided not to breathe until your Flashdance set gets the luv it deserves!!!!