Wow...I'm back. Slightly confused though, but in a good way. Someone anonymously reactivated my account. Thank you!
Since I've been away for a while...I suppose I should update the SG world on what I'm up to these days. No? Well, too bad, I'm about to.
I still have my other blog running Beyond Good and Emma however I'm no longer on my MA. I'm officially an art school drop-out, woo! I'm still doing my creative thing but this time I'm making films.
I'm part of an independent non-profit production company called Cheesemint Productions. We make various short pieces based on different genres. However, we begin filming a new web series at the end of the month called Unlocked. It's a video game web series, made by gamers for gamers!
Our website is here: Cheesemint Productions
Oh and here's a link to one of the recent films I star in called With Teeth, which mocks the whole Twilight Saga - although despite mocking it, both fans and anti-fans of Twilight have still enjoyed it. Check it out
Since I've been away for a while...I suppose I should update the SG world on what I'm up to these days. No? Well, too bad, I'm about to.
I still have my other blog running Beyond Good and Emma however I'm no longer on my MA. I'm officially an art school drop-out, woo! I'm still doing my creative thing but this time I'm making films.
I'm part of an independent non-profit production company called Cheesemint Productions. We make various short pieces based on different genres. However, we begin filming a new web series at the end of the month called Unlocked. It's a video game web series, made by gamers for gamers!
Our website is here: Cheesemint Productions
Oh and here's a link to one of the recent films I star in called With Teeth, which mocks the whole Twilight Saga - although despite mocking it, both fans and anti-fans of Twilight have still enjoyed it. Check it out