Hey, I'm Charley. And I love to talk geek.
Okay, how is this for geeky, what the hell does "CINe" mean?? I think it's just a mis-spelling and you meant to say "'Nice' to see you," but I'm not sure. There are so many abbreviations for phrases these days I could just be showing my complete ignorance of most things that are contemporary and new. But what, I must ask myself, could it mean? Let's brainstorm, shall we? How about:

>Caught In Nude - EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! (no)

>Cause I'm Nerd-e - (maybe)

>Chance It Nigga....................e - (these are getting lame quick, it's not as easy as I'd thought it'd be)

>Cruisin' In......................... damn it, where are you from.......................... New Hampshire? e

All right, I'm done. I just couldn't think of a single good one. I'm so ashamed. By the way, I liked the little "xx" you put on that message. So cute. At your current rate of response I expect to hear back from you in about a week-and-a-half. Until then, TTFN BFF ROLF LMFAO CYA!!
Hello, I'm Sam. wink