5 days until I get to go home. I'm so excited. I miss my little brother so much. Here's a picture of him.
He is my sunshine!!!! He's also the youngest out of 5 of us so he is soooooo spoiled. Work is crazy today. like 25 people checking in. Our office is almost filled to capacity. There isn't even enough chairs for everyone to sit. I'm ready to get off and go watch the 1st season of Lost. I've never seen it before so I'm hoping is gonna be good. I wanted to rent the 4th season of 4400 but it's not out yet so i gotta wait
I wanted to see it now. grrr
oh well. In other news....I've been kinda dating this I work with. He is what the military would call a shitbag so it's kinda weird for me plus he's only 19!!! I'm not one for youngins....I love an older man. They are just so sexy. I dunno though. He's really sweet to me but can piss me off like no other. I swear everytime I find a guy I might start to really like...I get really weird and like push them away. Plus a lot of people have been telling him that I'm only with him b/c of his $$$. His dad owns like every strip club and restaurant in the town he's from in Texas. He's half white and half mexican. He's like like a white boy though. Speaks fluent spanish and looks so funny when he speaks it b/c he kinda has a mexican accent. He's so cute but I'm just so sick of having to defend my ententions. I'd rather be lonly than with someone having to defend myself everytime someone wants to say soemthing to home. I don't know what to do. *sigh* this little christmas vacation is gonna be nice. Hope it's not too cold over in Seattle...I HATE COLD!!!

He is my sunshine!!!! He's also the youngest out of 5 of us so he is soooooo spoiled. Work is crazy today. like 25 people checking in. Our office is almost filled to capacity. There isn't even enough chairs for everyone to sit. I'm ready to get off and go watch the 1st season of Lost. I've never seen it before so I'm hoping is gonna be good. I wanted to rent the 4th season of 4400 but it's not out yet so i gotta wait