One week until the ball. I'm really excited. I got my dress this weekend. Out of all the store in that shit hole of a mall I saw two dresses I like (one of them being a foot too long for me even to wear). I ended up getting a nice light Olive colored one with the little waterfall tiers...not sure if that's what it's call but it's nice. Strapless...thank God my boobs grew this past year or I wouldn't have anything to hold that fucker up. I will take many pictures and hopefull I won't get too drunk and loose my camera. I wanted Chris to come with me as my date but he doesn't get back from VA until the day before my ball. He'll prolly be too tired to even wanna go. Oh well. I'm even more bummed b/c I can't go to his. They stopped selling the tickets the day we met. gosh darnit!!! BLAH!!! At least a got a tons of sleep last night. I am so rested.
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 27, 2007
ahhhh the beginning of a new week. so i've got my fingers crossed ab… -
Sunday Nov 25, 2007
Broken hearted....can youhave a broken heart if you aren't actually i… -
Monday Nov 19, 2007
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Wednesday Nov 14, 2007
The ball last night was so much fun. Since my camera really takes sh… -
Thursday Nov 08, 2007
ok so today they are serving special lunch at the chow hall today b/c… -
Tuesday Nov 06, 2007
One week until the ball. I'm really excited. I got my dress this we… -
Friday Nov 02, 2007
I'm on my way to becoming a Suicide Girl. I know there are a lot of … -
Thursday Nov 01, 2007
I've wanted to get a membership on this site since like forever. Gla…