Yesterday I walked to a waterfall I never knew was there. I loved the sound.
Today I went to cowtown rodeo. the boy bought sega games.
I went to the SG party. It was nice, and I talked a bit. I was very happy to see a caramel apple drink special there. The boy drank one in my honor. I drank one in my honor
Fun Fact:
I wanted to be a mr. softee driver. Not because I'm a creep, just because I love ice cream. In my mind I can eat all the ice cream I want on that truck. If you have worked for mister softee please do not burst my bubble by telling me you can't eat ice cream on the job. I may do it when I'm retired.
Today I went to cowtown rodeo. the boy bought sega games.
I went to the SG party. It was nice, and I talked a bit. I was very happy to see a caramel apple drink special there. The boy drank one in my honor. I drank one in my honor
Fun Fact:
I wanted to be a mr. softee driver. Not because I'm a creep, just because I love ice cream. In my mind I can eat all the ice cream I want on that truck. If you have worked for mister softee please do not burst my bubble by telling me you can't eat ice cream on the job. I may do it when I'm retired.

You don't have a safe place to keep your klonapin at all?
Nowhere for water to fall around here!
You can't lock up your meds? I hope you are ok sweetie.
Ice Cream? Whoa. How awesome would it be to see you driving up in an ice cream truck!
Take care sweetie. I hope you're doing well.