..... Day 24.

I'm the angriest person I know in South Florida. My Dad has just disclosed to me that he's pretty much broke. His house is in the process of being foreclosed, which means we'll have to look for another place to live soon, and I'm not getting paid for any of the work I've done for him. My Dad has a tendency to...
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..... well, shit.

Day 17 .....

Yaddada, yaddada. I saw the biggest lizard I've ever seen in my life yesterday. At least 30 inches long. Neon green. It appeared, from a distance, to be wearing a form-fitting black hoodie. It was walking out of a car wash.

If nothing else, this trip may help me grow. Somehow.

My Dad is vehemently anti-Obama. In his mind,...
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9 days into my exile..... in South Florida.

Filipino women are a pain in the ass. There are no good radio stations here. Avocados are expensive. Weed is hard to find. Cockroaches can leap, like, 10 inches straight up into the air. I'm training one right now.

It's difficult to keep depression at bay. I don't get out at all. I haven't been to the...
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Day..... 4?

..... of my exile. Somewhere..... in South Florida. It feels like I've been here much longer. The days are long. The light here is strangely diffused and..... gray. Cateract gray. It's a decidedly low-tech place, South Florida is. So far, I've been told that I'm handsome four times. Twice by some creepy old dudes, the others were middle-aged black women. Thick black women....
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your making s. fla sound so attractive
Hehe smile

It's Day 3 of my exile in Fort Lauderdale. I'm working, sort of, at my Dad's grocery store; about 12 hours a day. I screw around on the computer. This is a dreadful business to be in. But I get to eat all the free filippino food I can stand.
~ CHAPTER 103.7 ~

"Cowboy Mike revisted"

In addition to being somewhat obsessive-compulsive, I am a model procrastinator. Which means I'm totally dedicated to doing shit at the very last minute. This is a condition I had to grow into. At six years old, I often collapsed on the floor in foaming-at-the-mouth discombobulation if faced with too many choices.

I figured out how to recognize...
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Hey kids.

Well, it's taken a while but it looks like I'll finally be headed to Florida, I booked a flight for the 10th. I'm ignoring the voice in my head that tells me it's a bad idea. But I need a change of scenery.
safe journey!
I have ... arrived.

Well, actually, no. But - by the time anyone gets around to reading this, and who the hell knows when that could be, I probably will have ... arrived. I will have arrived, in ... some kind of ridiculous La-La Land of my own design. Nevertheless, I anticipate arriving ... wherever, let's just call it an unspecified state of being...
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My 40th birthday is not too far off, and I'm not really bothered by it. In the past, getting older was always a subject of despair and neurotic immolation, with a bit of intoxicated ranting and drooling thrown in for good measure. Now, for reasons I don't care to analyze, I'm at near total peace with myself.

If there is one lesson in life I'd...
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I just received some distressing news from back home... an acquaintance from ASU shot herself at her mother's home in El Paso last weekend. She'd been in a deep depression for several months. Apparently, it was a condition she'd struggled with for a significant portion of her life. She was only 23. There were some who saw this coming, including myself, but it's still a...
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