All this rain is making it hard to get around. I thought the joint-pain-because-of the-rain thing was an old wives tale but there might be something to it. My hip hurts. It feels like I've been kicked in the ass, or the side of the ass, rather. It makes me wonder if I've been sleepwalking again. For a time, I attached a leash to my foot. I experimented with various objects attached to the other end, like a cinder block covered in bubblewrap, a cage with a cranky parakeet inside it, and a pitcher full of ice water (the idea being that it would sit beside the bed and spill all over me when I tried to get up).
I realized this was counterintuitive so I stopped doing it. Now I just go with it.
I realized this was counterintuitive so I stopped doing it. Now I just go with it.
I have yet to see the sunset/sunrise in the Desert. My father has seen one, he told me it was a spectacular sight to see.