I was given one of those memory-foam pillows for my birthday. It's heavy.
I've taken up Tai Chi classes.
I've lost a lot of weight, so much so that I decided I should buy a skateboard and try vert.
And now, I'll tell ya 'bout the nervous breakdown, not so much as an attempt to demystify it but perhaps as more of a lighthearted warning. First, in space no one can hear you scream.
What the fuck does that mean?
You'll never see "outer space", but the spaces between friends are very real.
Space is expanding, and it seems we're always moving away from each other. A certain amount of luggage follows you, orbiting you. These bits could be your problems. These problems might come crashing down in a spectacular flaming mess. These problems might just break orbit and follow someone else.
Lightening strikes the earth nearly constantly, but we're hardly ever aware of it. Not believing it wouldn't harm you, but of course it wouldn't prevent you from being struck down. Reality isn't quite so tenuous. However, philosophy doesn't put beans on the table. Whores put beans on the table.
Where was I?
....oh yeah, space. You don't see the dark matter, if you did. you might have a nervous breakdown.
Thank You.
I've taken up Tai Chi classes.
I've lost a lot of weight, so much so that I decided I should buy a skateboard and try vert.
And now, I'll tell ya 'bout the nervous breakdown, not so much as an attempt to demystify it but perhaps as more of a lighthearted warning. First, in space no one can hear you scream.
What the fuck does that mean?
You'll never see "outer space", but the spaces between friends are very real.
Space is expanding, and it seems we're always moving away from each other. A certain amount of luggage follows you, orbiting you. These bits could be your problems. These problems might come crashing down in a spectacular flaming mess. These problems might just break orbit and follow someone else.
Lightening strikes the earth nearly constantly, but we're hardly ever aware of it. Not believing it wouldn't harm you, but of course it wouldn't prevent you from being struck down. Reality isn't quite so tenuous. However, philosophy doesn't put beans on the table. Whores put beans on the table.
Where was I?
....oh yeah, space. You don't see the dark matter, if you did. you might have a nervous breakdown.
Thank You.