Ah, what a day.
It was one of those semi-overcast days with... clouds... of all shapes, and sizes. Some, chasing each other. And some, kind of walking around each other. Others still, above it all, too serious to play.
Light, constantly undulating and... cycling through shades of gossamer white to charcoal gray, gradually going to orange, pink and purple... as the sun sinks over the horizon; the scent of far off rain carried on the wind, rushing after the light. It's like a person you associate with having a good time passing you by without noticing.
It offsets the slightly distressing news from my physician that I have an upper abdominal hernia, partially a result of a surgical procedure I underwnet back in 2002, but mostly due to putting on weight and lack of keeping up with the prescribed physical rehab regime which was recommended to me many moons and many pork loins hence.
This is the type of situation that requires surgery, or else I risk having my bowels pop out at some inopportune moment. The upside is that it is a brilliant reason to stave off the move to Fort Lauderdale. And frankly, you don't want to wind up in the hospital anywhere in fuckin' Florida for any reason. The rooms are nice; the service, sketchy.
I've overcome my fear of needles and going under the knife, I even kind of dig getting hooked up with morphine and whatnot. A hernia is hardly a brush with mortality. If there's anything I've come away with... from many trips to the hosptial, it is... a deep and fervent belief in drugs.
So, more than anything else, I feel a taoist sense of... balance. Life is, what it is.
I can rest easy.
It was one of those semi-overcast days with... clouds... of all shapes, and sizes. Some, chasing each other. And some, kind of walking around each other. Others still, above it all, too serious to play.
Light, constantly undulating and... cycling through shades of gossamer white to charcoal gray, gradually going to orange, pink and purple... as the sun sinks over the horizon; the scent of far off rain carried on the wind, rushing after the light. It's like a person you associate with having a good time passing you by without noticing.
It offsets the slightly distressing news from my physician that I have an upper abdominal hernia, partially a result of a surgical procedure I underwnet back in 2002, but mostly due to putting on weight and lack of keeping up with the prescribed physical rehab regime which was recommended to me many moons and many pork loins hence.
This is the type of situation that requires surgery, or else I risk having my bowels pop out at some inopportune moment. The upside is that it is a brilliant reason to stave off the move to Fort Lauderdale. And frankly, you don't want to wind up in the hospital anywhere in fuckin' Florida for any reason. The rooms are nice; the service, sketchy.
I've overcome my fear of needles and going under the knife, I even kind of dig getting hooked up with morphine and whatnot. A hernia is hardly a brush with mortality. If there's anything I've come away with... from many trips to the hosptial, it is... a deep and fervent belief in drugs.
So, more than anything else, I feel a taoist sense of... balance. Life is, what it is.
I can rest easy.