I've got an excruciating headache today.
The optimistic part of me, which I've repeatedly failed to eradicate, wants to believe the headache is due to my effort to try to kick my addiction to caffeine. The masochistic part of me wants to believe I deserve this for being bad.
My gun nut friend showed me this self-accupuncture technique where you take a bottle of ice-cold beer and press the mouth into the pressure point on the back of your neck - ahhhh.
Then, you drink the beer. Repeat.
I've still got the headache, but my neck feels pretty good.
I'm delaying the move to Ft. Lauderdale. The more I think about it, the less appealing that place becomes.
It's a beautiful day, if I stare at it long enough I begin not to notice it.
The optimistic part of me, which I've repeatedly failed to eradicate, wants to believe the headache is due to my effort to try to kick my addiction to caffeine. The masochistic part of me wants to believe I deserve this for being bad.
My gun nut friend showed me this self-accupuncture technique where you take a bottle of ice-cold beer and press the mouth into the pressure point on the back of your neck - ahhhh.
Then, you drink the beer. Repeat.
I've still got the headache, but my neck feels pretty good.
I'm delaying the move to Ft. Lauderdale. The more I think about it, the less appealing that place becomes.
It's a beautiful day, if I stare at it long enough I begin not to notice it.
Don't move to Fort Lauderdale.