"An Alien Stole My Whisky Blues"
Dads' wife fixed me up with one of her friends last night. We went "out ".
She was quite easy on the eyes; lean, casually sensual, a firm handshake. She was a little bit quarrelsome and possessing of a take-charge attitude no doubt left over from her former career as a nurse in the Philippines.
That she wasn't into me was purely my fault.
My life skills are suitable only for some bizarre-world alternate reality.
If I'd had any weed I might've been able to salvage the night. THC activates my mutant ability to twist time and space around me (my doctor says it cuts me off from my emotions, but she's a quack).
Maybe it was just a bad setup for a date. I have no business going to a Wednesday night Catholic Mass. Really. What was I thinking? How do I get talked into these things? I'm stupid.
As the evening progressed, the realization that I had nothing to offer this woman whatsoever grew heavier; a stone chained around my neck, dragging me down.
Issues of anger, self-esteem... general hygiene... my prejudice against myself; these things grew wings and buzzed, tormenting me like invisible flying gremlins (although it could have been actual flies).
I was literally swatting at them while trying to maintain a semblance of...
I don't know what. Normalcy?
Here's what I learned from this sober and wholesome encounter: I have an understanding heart, but no game. There's someone for everyone, but not for me, not in this lifetime.

Dads' wife fixed me up with one of her friends last night. We went "out ".
She was quite easy on the eyes; lean, casually sensual, a firm handshake. She was a little bit quarrelsome and possessing of a take-charge attitude no doubt left over from her former career as a nurse in the Philippines.
That she wasn't into me was purely my fault.
My life skills are suitable only for some bizarre-world alternate reality.
If I'd had any weed I might've been able to salvage the night. THC activates my mutant ability to twist time and space around me (my doctor says it cuts me off from my emotions, but she's a quack).
Maybe it was just a bad setup for a date. I have no business going to a Wednesday night Catholic Mass. Really. What was I thinking? How do I get talked into these things? I'm stupid.
As the evening progressed, the realization that I had nothing to offer this woman whatsoever grew heavier; a stone chained around my neck, dragging me down.
Issues of anger, self-esteem... general hygiene... my prejudice against myself; these things grew wings and buzzed, tormenting me like invisible flying gremlins (although it could have been actual flies).
I was literally swatting at them while trying to maintain a semblance of...
I don't know what. Normalcy?
Here's what I learned from this sober and wholesome encounter: I have an understanding heart, but no game. There's someone for everyone, but not for me, not in this lifetime.

I was thinking yesterday, why is it again that outsiders are not so welcome in Skull Valley?