Okay, so my last update was back in March. Well it's not like I've ever been dilligent in my postings anyway. So I spent a month and a half in Monterey and returned to Hawaii in May. Saw the same ole people at the same ole places in Monterey. It's strange whenever I go back to a place thinking so much has probably changed but it's exactly the way you left it. Glad to be back in Hawaii for now but I'm gonna need another vacation soon. Can't decide where to though. Oh, I did hit up Vegas while I was in the mainland and it was awesome. Just wished I had some money and wasn't so freakin broke while I was there. Oh well there's definately next time. Must get up early tomorrow or actually it's today now yippee.

yeah i want to fuck you sometime
just kidding about the fucking you thing your not my type hope ther's no hard feelings I AM ENGAGED BY THE WAY